Seattle socialists get a quick dose of reality

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TreeFrogTrader, Jun 13, 2018.

  1. Great idea a few weeks ago. Now suddenly repealed because not a great idea.

    Try thinking things through the next time rather than implementing some great idea that the comrades came up with down at the last meeting of the Central Planning Committee.

    Pretty funny though. They did whatever the frig they wanted to do. And so did Amazon. They just stopped their plans to build another downtown tower that would have employed another 8,000 workers on top of the gazillion already.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2018
  2. Arnie


    My Gawd, I hope that Amazon isn't so gullible as to believe this tax won't be resurrected after they finish building and hiring.
  3. Amazon has the type of F U money to just write it all off and go elsewhere. The real question is will the socialists in Seattle be smart enough to figure that out before they do something equally stupid as this last stunt.

  4. They are working it out on the playground. Amazon sees that possibility and already has suggested that they may just finish off the building and lease it out if the atmospherics are not good.

    If they need another lesson, that's fine.
  5. Not to beat this thing to death, but for those who have an interest, this article shows the way that the city council is processing their fuck-up. It is not pretty. Apparently the dumb public is to be blamed for not understanding how progressive they are. A familiar lefty tactic. You know Obama recently said that the reason the dems were not elected to take his place was that he was ten or twenty years ahead of his time. Okay fine, Bro. Whatever gets ya through the day. I had a very bad trade once because the market did not understand that I was ahead of the times.

    That Kshama babe there who chastises the public for not understanding that "Jeff Bezo is our enemy" is the city council member representing the Socialist Alternative Party or movement or whatever.
    fan27 likes this.
  6. Obama was twenty years ahead of his time, luckily for him. He still had capitalism to work with.
  7. Cuddles


    Given the reports of work conditions/expectations, I don't doubt one bit Bezos would do just that
  8. I've talked with a couple young bucks who worked at a local Chicago area fulfillment center. Not an easy job for the typical laid back millennial. Very fast paced, not much tolerance for errors, and mind numbing repetitiveness. Let the robots have it all.:)
    Poindexter likes this.
  9. Poindexter


  10. Nine_Ender


    Most Americans on here would be lucky to live in a city like Seattle with a booming economy and businesses likely in the right sectors moving forward. Go ahead and pretend the "socialists" are ruining the city by trying to take care of all it's citizens not just the ones making professional salaries. Growth as a problem is a nice problem to have. Reminds me of Toronto right now.

    The last thing Americans should be griping about is Seattle. Maybe ask yourself why Amazon and Microsoft like that area. Maybe ask yourself why Toronto is so popular with the IT giants lately.
    #10     Jun 13, 2018