Pope Francis says there is no Hell

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jem, Mar 29, 2018.

  1. Do you have actual experience trading Futures or are you some nut who thinks he knows something from a bit skimming stocks?

    Have you looked at the chart for those days? Notice something about it? If you are a trader you will be able to describe what you see.

    If not, and you have said you just came to politics for an argument.. you are a severe clinical case of the Dunning Kruger effect as I have said. :) At least look at the chart and you will see how that day went. But if you are not actually smart...

    Most ET traders are timid, beginners like yourself don't know their ass from their elbow, mixing forex, futures, stocks and more up. A stock trader will say something can't be done when perfectly easy in futures. It is nuts how sloppy amateur traders are. The usually can't trade big because their nerves can't handle it. Have I ever struck you as nervous? haha

    I saw this recently and thought it would be good for my assistant's little girl who wants to be a trader like her mommy, I think you might need one.

    Last edited: Mar 31, 2018
    #41     Mar 31, 2018
  2. jem


    trump may be a liar and a buffoon but the policies going through are schumer's and ryan's and mcconnels. That is the problem with trump he was elected to stop that crap and he has not.

    -- regarding the medical treatment... as I said we have the best care in the world.. but we have some of the worst insurance and govt programs.

    That is not trump's fault its the establishments.
    your sons of bitches had control and gave us obamacare instead of govt payer.

    Then the establishment republican sons of bitches did not repeal and replace when that is why they were elected.

    at the moment I hope trump is defeated by Cruz or Paul. We need someone who will do what the promised or it least try their best to prevent the establishment from destroying the country any further.

    #42     Mar 31, 2018
  3. piezoe


    Yes, of course it can.
    #43     Mar 31, 2018
  4. piezoe


    I agree Trump had nothing to do with the problems in medical care, and actually neither did Obama. The root of the problem comes from the nature of medical care -- a nature that few politicians or indeed, people in general acknowledge. Thus the merchant-customer relationship typical of textbook "free enterprise" is impossible in the case of medical care. This is why there is no good "free market" solutions to the Healthcare problem, and why the super-regulated alternative that the U.S. has adopted is even worse. It is also why those trying to completely privatize the VA via the backdoor are going to make a mess of things as well.

    Neither Paul nor Cruz's will be able to fix the healthcare system. They will all fail spectacularly. But of course the solution is right before our eyes. It's like looking for something in plain sight and not being able to see it.

    We won't solve the problem, certainly not in my lifetime, because the entrenched interests are far to powerful to be overcome without great upheaval. Our government answers to these interests; not to you or me. The wealthy are tickled pink at the wonderful quality of their Healthcare. We will see this and that proposal from politicians running for office. And if anything passes into legislation it will add yet another layer of profit-yielding regulation, and even worse outcomes.
    #44     Mar 31, 2018
    gwb-trading likes this.
  5. jem


    You posted a a variation of an old and popular leftist canard we see the media using here in California all the time.

    When leftist or establishment govt fails... argue its to big to be fixed or can't be fixed or the state is too big... etc. Anything to distract from the fact the policies are failing.

    There is no evidence health care can't be fixed. We just have not be trying to fix it . We have been letting dems and establishment republicans put in place laws paid for by their insurance companies masters.

    I suggest the govt create for vouchers for basic health care and let the companies compete to gather in the clients. Then let the let the companies them offer premium and supplemental plans to their hearts content.

    2. Obama made it far worse for people who pay for their insurance. He and the democrats are at fault for that.

    My health care and the health care of a lot of people had been excellent but expensive. Obama and the dems kept it the same or worse and made us pay twice as much.
    Bad policy forced down our threats by democrats and and their paymasters. Wall street and insurance companies.

    #45     Apr 2, 2018
  6. piezoe


    You've mis-stated my argument. It isn't that health care is too big to be fixed, it isn't. It isn't that it can't be fixed- it clearly can be. It is that it won't be fixed, not in my lifetime. And I explained why. You could profit by re-reading my posts,
    #46     Apr 2, 2018
  7. Poindexter


    Good morning PAPER TRADER! No proof? Of course not. Just more hot air and deflection.

    You don't even know enough to fabricate believable trade summaries.

    Let's apply a little math to another one of your claims:

    Well, well. Look at this -- 46 trades in one day with ZERO losses. To put that in perspective, let's assume there's a REAL trader with a good success rate of 70%. In other words, 70 winners out every 100 trades. What is the probability of 46 winning trades in a row?

    ANSWER: Probability = 0.000000074905 or 1 in 13,350,273 :D:D:D

    RECOMMENDATION: Delete your account and get a real life. You're a total joke.

    all wins - Copy.PNG
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2018
    #47     Apr 3, 2018
    Tom B and Arnie like this.
  8. Awwww did @Max E. pm you? I noticed he liked your posts but he can't explain why the number would be off. Paper and live should look the same, not much point in a sim engine if they were different? There must be a technical reason for the first one... But you know that, I explained it to you.

    Now about your DK effect...

    You know this is futures right? I'll drop you a hint as you are hard of thinking, you don't understand how the number of trades value is calculated. It is not 46 single contract trades. An actual mind of any value would assume that there are variations in platforms and look at exactly how a number is derived...

    You being an inferior kind of pawn, just shot your mouth off! :)

    You have profound Dunning-Kruger-effect tenancies, truly prodigious. You don't know enough to realise you can be wrong.

    Seriously, there is an MRI study waiting for you if you want to do it.

    You get a nice trip in a big metal bird, we even have some other fake Jews in Medellin for you to visit (there is a group here who just decided they were Jewish, I'm told and international Jewery still disagree I last heard).

    Last edited: Apr 3, 2018
    #48     Apr 3, 2018
  9. jem


    you may have mis-stated your argument... not I. Instead of attempting to fix our bad gov't policy like Obamacare, you wanted us to believe the problem is structural and can't be fixed.

    "Thus the merchant-customer relationship typical of textbook "free enterprise" is impossible in the case of medical care."

    #49     Apr 3, 2018
  10. piezoe


    Can you explain your "reasoning"??? Probably not. But please feel free to try.
    #50     Apr 3, 2018