Yawn....... Israel attacked by Hamas

Discussion in 'Politics' started by themickey, Oct 7, 2023.

  1. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    #241     Oct 11, 2023
  2. gwb-trading


    As I outlined earlier, the right-wing Netanyahu government is not interested in pursuing peace. Any of their previous diplomatic efforts regarding "peace" have purely been a self-serving facade to undermine any progress. The Netanyahu government's actions in supporting more settlements, more harsh conditions for Palestinians, reducing access to mosques and effectively "locking up" the West Bank and Gaza only serves to undermine any possibility of peace.

    The path forward is two step. The first step in the process at this point is totally eliminating Hamas in Gaza. Hamas took over Gaza by force evicting the Palestinian National Authority (Fatah) - which is the legitimate government authority for the West Bank and Gaza. Hamas, a terrorist group, needs to be eliminated in Gaza and control returned to the Palestinian National Authority.

    It looks certain that the Netanyahu government plans to take this first step. Their plans for a "long war" appears to include the total elimination of Hamas leadership, total disarming of all Hamas militants, and no longer allowing Hamas to govern Gaza as their end game. Israel will certainly never pursue peace until the terrorism stops -- a position which will be supported by most western countries.

    So what about step 2? Step 2 requires the election of a more moderate government in Israel to pursue realistic peace negotiations. The right-wing Netanyahu government will never pursue "peace" but will do everything they can to undermine the Palestinians and push them out of both Gaza and the West Bank.

    I do not have much hope that step 2 will occur -- and no progress will be made in resolving this decades long mess.

    There are two sides to this conflict and a lot of civilian casualties -- and all sorts of opinions on the wrongs & rights -- however this one particular post sufficiently states the reality IMO.

    #242     Oct 11, 2023
  3. Buy1Sell2


    I'm a straight down the middle traditional Conservative.We are not right wing.
    #243     Oct 11, 2023
  4. M.W.


    We, as in your other aliases?

    #244     Oct 11, 2023
  5. M.W.


    Look, here is an image of Hamas raping women and shooting babies point blank.

    #245     Oct 11, 2023
  6. gwb-trading


    #246     Oct 11, 2023
  7. Buy1Sell2


    I'm hopeful that Israel can now implement a proper 1 state solution here. Negotiations do not work as Hamas etc aren't seeking resolution, rather they are seeking the total destruction of Israel. The 2 state solution was never going to work when you have one side arguing in bad faith. I suspect that many Palestinians will accept the 1 state solution as long as the militant Palestinians are driven out. We'll see if Netanyahu will drive out the regular citizens along with the militants-----don't know.
    #247     Oct 11, 2023
  8. gwb-trading


    #248     Oct 11, 2023
  9. Bugenhagen


    That's great G, your so valuable copy/paste opinion is noted and also that you will take a contrary view on any part of it at any moment taken as a given.

    The US will be party to a war crime and all the Amercian believers/flag wavers were going to hell already anyway.

    I have actually fought against child soldiers. It is was not very difficult to capture them as their commander was 14. Practically a Coronel.

    Amercia is about to fuck this up. Unsophisticated people lashed out while their apartheid masters were fighting amongst themselves.

    Its time for cooler heads. Not the worthless copy paste of suburban vigalantes.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2023
    #249     Oct 11, 2023
    Tony Stark likes this.
  10. gwb-trading


    Look like Israel will have a unified government in the near-term focused on eliminating Hamas.

    Netanyahu forms emergency Israel government and war cabinet

    Israel's prime minister and a leading opposition figure have agreed to form a temporary emergency government.

    Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz have also agreed to form a "war management cabinet" to deal with the conflict.

    The announcement comes in the wake of savage attacks by Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip.

    It sees both men put aside a bitter political rivalry that had escalated into widespread protests.

    Alongside Mr Netanyahu and Mr Gantz, the centrist National Unity Party leader and a former defence minister, the new temporary cabinet would also include Defence Minister Yoav Gallant.

    The country's main opposition leader, Yair Lapid, has not joined the alliance. However, Mr Netanyahu and Mr Gantz said in a joint statement that a seat would be reserved for him in the war cabinet.

    "During the war period, no bills or government decisions will be promoted that do not concern the conduct of the war," said the statement.

    "All senior appointments will be automatically extended during the war period."

    (More at above url)
    #250     Oct 11, 2023