Why is the Southern Border WFO?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by easymon1, Aug 5, 2021.

  1. easymon1


    Last edited: Aug 5, 2021
  2. gwb-trading


    Helpful diagram for the people who think "the border" is responsible for the massive COVID outbreak in the southeastern US

    userque, UsualName and Ricter like this.
  3. easymon1


    gwb, That's Good to know. Thank you.

    Now, Why is the Southern Border WFO?

    What You Got GWB?
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2021
  4. easymon1


    Is Hundreds of Thousands Per Month of Undocumented People the Smart Way to go?

    What Is a Good Number to Bring In Monthly to the USA? Why?


    delete ghty.jpg


    Going Down



    chain migration.jpg

    biden 82 Putin handler.jpg


    Are the passengers in these flights documented migrants?
    undocumented migrants?
    human trafficked individuals?
    Where do they go from the Airport?
    If they are undocumented, how would follow up for their continued safety be tracked and enforced?

    Who is Sponsoring and Responsible for the Wellbeing of these Migrant Children? Are they even accompanied by their parents? Who will take custody and responsibility? Do they need to prove kinship or other proof of legit reason they should have custody of (un?)documented children?

    Seems pretty hazy considering the serious nature of the activity.



    Last edited: Aug 5, 2021
  5. easymon1


    Don't be shy, GWB.
  6. jem


    why would a fear mongering asshole
    heaping hate on the unvaccinated...
    be supporting open borders which lets Covid in?
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2021
    smallfil likes this.
  7. gwb-trading


    What would ever make you say that?

    My previous posts on illegal immigration make it very clear that the first point of a proper immigration policy must be to seal the southern border -- building a "wall" based on physical barriers, electronic surveillance and increased border patrol presence. How many times have I outlined this over the years... only a dozen plus times.

  8. Oh, the illegals are at the border areas the absolute minimum amount of time possible. Joe and the lefties are openly proud of the fact that they are increasingly dispersed throughout the entire country within 24-48 hours, untested.
  9. gwb-trading


    You do realize that from the CBP figures that 85% plus of the illegal immigrants are immediately exported out of the U.S. over the past few months -- only 15% of less stay due to being unaccompanied minors or for compassionate reasons. Your planes flying around the U.S. are for unaccompanied children.
  10. I see. The CBP is now apprehending and expelling 85% plus of adult illegals.

    #10     Aug 5, 2021