The strange case of Japan and Covid-19

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Pekelo, Mar 28, 2020.

  1. Pekelo


    Japan is next to China, its population is old, its cities are crowded and it hasn't locked down. Yet both their infection rate (currently 1500 cases) and death rate (45 death, 0.3 per million) are the lowest among Western countries.

    Germany also has a so far mysteriously low death rate, but its infected median age is 45 as compared to 63 in Italy. I am not sure the Japanese data on this, but in Italy they cross infected other parts of the hospitals thus other elderly and weakened people died in large numbers, that may explain the German situation.

    But Japan hasn't even locked down. In NYC the subway probably caused the wide spread of the virus. In Japan people still widely use the subways but they might have better personal protection.

    It is also possible that Japan is just late compared to other countries and in its early days of the spread having only 1500 or so cases. The Japanese are meticulous about cleanliness and personal hygiene, so that could help their situation. Still, we don't know why their case is different.

    “It’s either they did something right,” said Dr. Peter Rabinowitz, co-director of the University of Washington MetaCenter for Pandemic Preparedness and Global Health Security, “or they didn’t, and we just don’t know about it yet.”

    They aren't testing widely, and their numbers could erupt at any time later on.

    “The risk is that things may be brewing underneath the surface that you don’t recognize until it’s also a little bit too late,” Dr. Shaman said."

    I have a personal theory. Japan intake of iodine in food is the highest in the world. What is their immune system is much stronger than the average human's? Iodine has virus fighting abilities and I advise everyone to take it to fight the virus off. Or could this be just a cover up because of the Olympics?

    Well, in the upcoming weeks we will hopefully get an answer.

    Edit: Quotes from the article's comment section:

    "An instagram friend who is a nurse in an elder care facility in Japan says they’re seeing lots of cases, and just calling them the flu. Japan’s tendency to pretend everything is fine works well in many situations but I’m afraid for them in this case. At worst, it’s the Japanese governments solution to the twin problems of economic decline and an expensive aging population."

    "Japan was resistant to mass testing, criticizing S. Korea for its strategy. See how it played when the cruise ship Diamond Princess happened in its shore. Bribed WHO to not include the confirmed cases counted towards Japan so it could maintain its pristine "number"."

    "In point of fact, like other countries, Japan has neither the testing capability nor the hospital capacity to deal with a sudden outbreak. The government's action was aimed at limiting demand and avoiding a potential panic when people discovered neither tests nor beds were available. Decisions were made on expedient, not medical, grounds - a constant problem with state-run health here."

    If this is true, we will see an outburst of new cases and deaths soon.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2020
  2. Pekelo


    Well, the answer could be a combination of the already mentioned differences:

    osakaMarch 27
    I bet you that Japan will not be like Italy, Spain nor New York. Why? Most of all Japanese love to wear masks (almost religiously), they think masks are part of their body. And they wash hands like crazy when they come home.
    Their hygiene standard is so high, almost laughable to me. Furthermore, they do not like to touch someone else's body, nor to be touched by others. My wife don't want to hold my arm when we walk outside together. In addition, I have a wild thought.

    Maybe this particular virus penetrates more sharply to Non-Asian people. When I look at Taiwan, Hong Kong and Korea, and compare them to Italy, Spain and USA. No comparison in terms of the magnitude of the damage done. Don't forget that Japan and those S.E. Asian countries have had a much more exposure to the Chinese travelers for many more months than European countries and USA. Japan even didn't block the Chinese visitors until recently. Then why most of the hospitals in Japan are business as usual?

    Whether Japan is under-testing and under-reporting the number of death is not important. (probably it's true though) Instead, you should find out why a big Tsunami wave hasn't hit Japan yet. Hospitals in Japan are still functioning as though nothing is happening. Why aren't the nurses and doctors in Japan crying for PPE and ventilators like their counterparts in Europe and US? That's more important to report, I think."


    And the Zinc connection with green tea:

    Cincinnati, OH March 27

    Like chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, green tea contains known zinc ionospheres, in that case quercetin and epigallocatechin-gallate, which aid transport of the ion into cells. It will be interesting to see if Chinese who have adopted a Western diet and abandoned green tea consumption are more likely to have bad outcomes. Of course, you also have to factor in the amount of zinc those folks are getting in their diet as well."
  3. 2FT


    This is the big data point that stands out. Japan's hospitals simply are not full with dying like in Italy, yet Japan had wuhan flu in-country well before Italy (and Spain, and NY.) And Japan didn't really install any meaningful preventative measures. Yet, virtually no one has died. There has been plenty of time for an 'Italy situation' to develop in Japan. It probably will eventually, but science needs to ask why it hasn't happened yet. Sure as heck wasn't good management.

    Even if Japan is under reporting. Or misdiagnosing. The hospitals are not busy at all. Fact that can't be covered up.
  4. Pekelo


    "Lapocatiere SF March 26
    Japan, Russia, and Iraq have low numbers of severe COVID-19 cases. However, these territories and a few others have one thing in common - mandatory childhood TB vaccinations with an old strain (Japanese or Russian) of the (Bacille Calmette-Guérin) BCG vaccine. For example Iran (29K cases, 2.2K deaths) uses a more recent BCG strain; Iraq (382 cases, 36 deaths) uses the Japanese strain. East Germany used the older Russian strain compared to West Germany - West German COVID-19 cases are significantly greater/deadlier than East German. Old BCG strains proven to have lower rates of acute lower respiratory tract infections, which is what kills people with COVID. Not relevant for US but those regions may be lucky. Let's see."

    Personal note: I have the BCG vaccination if I recall correctly.
  5. Banjo


  6. Pekelo


  7. 2FT


    Good preliminary thoughts
    Pekelo likes this.
  8. DT-waw


    Its not only Japan. Relatively low or VERY low number of corona victims are also in Taiwan, Brazil, Thailand, Ukraine, Poland, Argentina, Mexico, Turkey and .... INDIA + many other countries.
    Also, when I've calculated the CORRELATION ratio between the number of deaths per million and the country population density it was.... -0.02 ! Yes, slightly negative!
    See this video:

    Some incredible stats:
    - as of March 21st 57% of ALL GLOBAL COVID deaths were from Western Europe!!! - see attached graph
    - as of March 20th , when we exclude China, 35% of ALL deaths were from ONLY five small locations: Lombardy, Madrid, San Marino, Washington State and NYC. Replace San Marino with Teheran and its even more concentrated.

    How can a virus, which is global, which is believed to be present in some 10-25% of the population ALREADY, kill only in those selected areas in the world while being practically harmless (or 200-2000x less deadly) in other, even more densely populated locations?
    Well there some potential explanations:
    (1) its not only the covid, there are factors such as how infected people are treated in hospitals, were they vaccinated or not, what air they are breathing in their city,
    (2) REPORTING the deaths. Usually it takes few days or weeks to analyze the reason of death. Here, we have instant, same day results. Italy admits, they count all deaths of people who tested positive, even post-mortem
    It looks like most countries report the covid victims in ENTIRELY different way than most of Western Europe (excl. Germany Sweden, Ireland and Finland...)
    (3) 5G radiation?

    I highly recommend you read this article

    Its DEVASTATING for the official narrative. When you will read it fully, you will start seeing what is going on here...
    I am affraid its only the beginning, we have seen nothing yet. And no, im not talking about the virus...
  9. DT-waw


    Another piece of data. As of today, the numbers of victims in Lombardy: 6,360. Community of Madrid: 3,082. Total in these two, very unique regions of the world: 9,442 people dead from Corona, out of approx 16 Million population.

    Now, let's group some various countries (excluding India and whole Africa) and count deaths and their population.
    Country - Number of official deaths
    Brazil 136
    Argentina 20
    Japan 54
    Mexico 20
    Turkey 131
    Poland 22
    Thailand 7
    Canada 65
    Australia 18
    Indonesia 114
    Pakistan 18
    Croatia 6
    New Zealand 1
    South Korea 158
    Malaysia 35
    Taiwan 3
    Saudi Arabia 8
    Romania 43
    Hungary 10
    Israel 9
    Singapore 3

    Their total death toll: 881. Their aggregate population 1,449 million. 1.4 Billion folks.
    Which means 10.7 less dead people while having 90 times more population. Exactly one freaking thousand less mortality!And in those low mortality countries we have huge cities like: Tokyo, Seoul, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Rio, Sao Paulo, Kuala Lumpur, Karachi, Istanbul, Bangkok. In Lombardy there are no metropolitan cities that big, Madrid is also much smaller.

    Take a look at attached air pollution map in Feb 2020 in Europe. Not a single mention of air pollution in the media.....
    #10     Mar 30, 2020