COVID-19 : NHK no-BS Chronicle

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by apdxyk, Mar 27, 2020.

  1. apdxyk


    Nobert and comagnum like this.
  2. comagnum


    Japan has done a great job containing this as densely populated as their cities are it is amazing they have had only 49 deaths.
    wrbtrader and Nobert like this.
  3. Overnight


    Truly incredible. I suppose after 1945 and then the Fukishima plant, their immune systems have been radically altered by the inordinate amount of radiation they've received, thus giving them an advantage. Reverse karma?

    Propagandists, all of them. Wankers!
  4. iprph90


    Japan's culture values cleanliness which is ingrained from the time kiddos start preschool. Folks there mostly respect the preservation of society over their own individualistic tendencies.
    wrbtrader, Nobert and athlonmank8 like this.
  5. ElCubano


    During the World Cup they would pick up garbage in the stadium after the game.
  6. gaussian


    I'd be careful giving our friends over the pond much credit. Historically they are a culture that takes great shame in failure. It would not be uncharacteristic of the Japanese to hide their numbers. It is fundamentally inconceivable that a concentrated population located adjacent to the first epicenter isn't suffering from at least some stress. Korea's numbers are probably closer to Japans actual numbers.
    Banjo and Picaso like this.
  7. Interesting to read the responses here to that documentary.
    That NHK documentary was aired on March 22nd. At that time was Japan still in a "damage limitation mode" to prevent a cancellation of the 2020 Olympic Games. That is a huge prestige project for prime minister Abe and his government, and is all he is focusing on. So it was in their best interest to give the impression that Japan has things under control, and that Japanese medicine appears to be available to treat patients. Notice that the documentary did not focus on what the government (and politicians) were doing to fight further spread of the virus. The reason is simple: the government didn't do anything comparable to what has become common in many countries around the world. There are no restriction orders in place whatsoever. That explains the despair on the face of that professor who keeps on repeating that stricter measures are necessary: nobody in power is listening.
    The tone in Japan has changed drastically since it was decided to postpone the Olympics. Now many politicians (including Tokyo's mayor) are suddenly shifting gears: instead of focusing solely on the Olympics they focus on taking steps to prevent a rapid spread of the virus. The Japanese people I speak have very little faith in the government and fear that it is already too late, due to inactivity thus far. The documentary shows that the number of intensive care units in Japan is very limited, compared to the population size, and will very easily be overwhelmed if a rapid outbreak would occur. Panic buying has started in places like Tokyo.
    GregorySG9 and Lou Friedman like this.
  8. Pekelo


    One of the supplements I advise getting over the virus is iodine. The Japanese eat the most iodine reach food from the seas by factors. Even people just living close to the shoreline get more iodine (not just in Japan).

    I wonder if because of this they have a better natural defense? I tend to think so.

    "In Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe refused calls to lock down cities, citing the severe economic consequences of a stay-at-home order. Bars, restaurants and shops in crowded Tokyo remain open, despite a spike in new cases there. Officially, Japan has over 1,400 confirmed cases, but the true number is certain to be far higher."
  9. Banjo


  10. smallfil


    There is a lot of disinformation by liberal media putting everyone at risk and a pandemic that would be hard to control. Obviously, liberal media in putting out their disinformation, intent only on putting President Donald Trump in a bad light and stir negative public reactions. Let us consider the facts that we already know. That certain viral drugs, like chloroquine have been found to cure people with serious symptoms of the Corona Virus. This has been used in multiple countries now and proved successful in curing Corona Virus. So, wouldn't it stand to reason that efforts to mass produce the drug makes perfect sense to reduce the casualties? Liberal media, of course, says it is ineffective, results are anecdotal, etc. Anything, to discredit and mislead those trying to fight the Corona Virus. Another important point not mentioned by liberal media is that those infected by Corona Virus and overcome it, be it those with mild or worst symptoms develop immunity to the Corona Virus. That means they cannot be infected a 2nd time and be carriers of the disease. Common sense dictates you cure those infected severely, to save their lives and also, add more and more people who can no longer be infected? That would flatten the curve which experts keep talking about.
    #10     Mar 28, 2020