The secret of daytrading

Discussion in 'Trading' started by TTT, Jul 25, 2018.

  1. jinxu


    What happened to them?
    #121     Aug 3, 2018
    CSEtrader and Overnight like this.
  2. Overnight


    I have read that Xela and Handle have went away? What is the deal?
    #122     Aug 3, 2018
  3. jinxu


    Have no idea. I'm using this site less and less lately. I haven't even noticed they are gone.
    #123     Aug 3, 2018
  4. speedo


    #124     Aug 3, 2018
    777 likes this.
  5. CSEtrader


    read those two threads
    This is the original one, started by Lukas, Xela's friend, shouted done later:
    And here is the next one started by Xela's offender, to whom I guess, we can give our big "thanks" for missing her and Handle. this thread is still open and you are welcome to post :
    #125     Aug 4, 2018
  6. Some say John F. Kennedy was assassinated because he tried to stop Israel from getting the bomb! This is in my opinion is very strong theory regarding the assassination of the Kennedys brothers. Implicating Sirhan Sirhan and not releasing the documents regarding the Israeli connection to the assassination makes it more credible.
    Just a thought!:sneaky:
    #126     Aug 4, 2018
  7. maxinger


    The secret is not to cherry pick
    - which days to trade
    - which signals to take, which signals not to take.

    BUT experience need to avoid trading those futures that are moving in disorganised choppy wishy washy jerky erratic crazy manner.
    #127     Aug 4, 2018
    TTT likes this.
  8. TTT


    Maxinger, can I ask you a question? I see that you are a very experienced trader. Why do you prefer doing intraday with futures instead of stocks? The shares can give a higher return on the day than the futures. They can also have a less messy graphic than the future. You can choose among many stocks to choose the most appropriate one.
    #128     Aug 4, 2018
  9. tomorton


    Its just another theory with no evidence.

    You should know that there's equally a theory that the KGB sponsored efforts to develop conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination, as a means of undermining US citizens' trust in and support for their elected governments. Seems like they did a fine job.
    #129     Aug 14, 2018
    CSEtrader likes this.
  10. "move on" .. trades should be like arrows, you let them fly and it doesn't matter where they fall. Need to move on and keep shooting, let them fall where they may. Constant analysis of the moment is important. If you get hung up on the last trade, it really destroys your ability for analysis. Or holding onto a loser, you have opportunity cost.
    #130     Aug 14, 2018
    cafeole and ElectricSavant like this.