dxFeed - Institutional Grade Market Data Provider

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by dxFeed, Apr 16, 2020.

  1. dxFeed

    dxFeed Sponsor


    Dear EliteTrader Member, we would like to introduce you to dxFeed, a market data services and solutions provider distributing low-latency data from major exchanges in North America, Europe, and around the world.
    • We focus on individual traders and investors, and we also serve the data to financial institutions such as major online brokerages, prop traders, clearing firms, and exchanges.
    • We capture tick-level data and market depth to our cloud storage, deliver normalized consolidated data feeds, aggregate data into live streaming charts, and calculate real-time analytics.
    • We provide real-time and historical data for equities, futures, options, indices, cryptocurrency, FX, and other asset classes.
    • We host solutions in 6 data centers both in the US and in Europe, and our AWS cloud infrastructure spans the world.
    • The data we provide is accessible through a variety of APIs: Java, C/C#, REST, JavaScript / Websocket, Python and FIX.
    Last edited: May 6, 2020
  2. ZBZB


    How much does your scanner cost? There are a few, at least, people looking for another choice. Why do you only have nasdaq?
  3. runtrader


    What about equities data to cover UK (LSE) and German stocks? Any plans for this?
  4. 1. Does your C application run on Linux?

    2. Do you offer an IP (tcp or multicast, mitigated or not) where i could connect and get the quotes and trades?

    3. Do you publish volume with your quotes and trades?
  5. What´s the catch?

    And how many data quality managers do you have reconciling your Terrabytes of data - per minute? :D
  6. asymptote


    Do you offer market internal data such as:

    $DOW, ^TICK, ^TRIN, ^ADV, ^DECL, NYSE Internals, Dow Jones Indexes
  7. bergstyle


    Email says "The data we provide is accessible through a variety of APIs: Java, C/C#, REST, JavaScript / Websocket, Python and FIX."

    When I reached out to support they said the retail product in this offer is not accessible by API, is that correct? What protocol is used by this feed (CometD, Websockets, Fix, etc)?
  8. dxFeed

    dxFeed Sponsor

    Hello ZBZB,

    Thanks for your questions. Currently our dxFeed Radar can be licensed by the B2B sector. We are not offering it to retail users under dxFeed brand yet, but you can already try the demo version with the delayed data here:https://radar.dxfeed.com. As soon as dxFeed Radar is launched for the retail, we will be posting the relevant information on the forum. We are working hard on this product and hope to make this happen in a couple of months.

    Regarding your second question – looks like it is based on the delayed data that we have on the Radar's demo page. Our Radar solution will be covering not only US Stocks, stay tuned for more updates.
  9. dxFeed

    dxFeed Sponsor

    Hello runtrader,

    Using our API you can already access CBOE EU data, which covers UK (LSE) and German stocks. Check this page for more details: https://www.dxfeed.com/consolidated-data-feed/cboe-europe/
    As for making it available for 3rd party retail products like ATAS - we are currently discussing the available options with the EU exchanges and hope to have more updates on the subject soon.
  10. dxFeed

    dxFeed Sponsor

    Hello vincegata,

    Thanks for your questions. Let me answer them in order:
    1. If you are referring to our C and/or C# APIs then yes, you can run them on Linux.
    2. We offer TCP/IP as well as cross connect solution for getting our data stream.
    3. We do publish volume values with the quotes and trades. Learn more from our Model of Event Publishing.
    #10     Apr 16, 2020