dom trading

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by watchdaride, Aug 9, 2017.

  1. Sprout


  2. Handle123


    The Dome is a tool, just like charts are, indicators and Time/Sales, they are what "almost" all of people use cause it is readily available to them. But if you can think outside the box, "brainstorm" then write indicators, you can see different than what the masses look at. Like Market Profile, who would have thought to make volume/time horizontally on side of a chart.
    #22     Nov 14, 2018
    931 and PennySnatch like this.
  3. Some traders prefer to work with the DOM since a balance between supply and demand is reflected
    based on the orders offered and the prices that are being established, the strength and weakness of the market can be judged
    #23     Jan 30, 2020
  4. Interesting to note all the professionals use the DOM, most of the retail use Charts. Who's makes most money?
    #24     May 19, 2020
    bzakari likes this.
  5. destriero


    Most of the successful traders that I know use both.
    #25     May 19, 2020
    eternaldelight likes this.