What kind of techniques do heavy scalpers use?

Discussion in 'Index Futures' started by CFerret, Apr 6, 2007.

  1. All indicators are like onion rings around where the ball is.

    some people sit so far away from the game that they get the indications as though they are sitting in a blimp and listening with their eyes shut. These are lagging indicators and they are sensed too late to do the OODA thing. Play dead. reacting is too late, inefficient and not effective and caused the measured responses pointed out in the clinical and case studies.

    Another set of indicators are there and they are visuals that lead the ball on the field and help tell you what size it is. I have 17 of these.

    Games are played and they show up quite nicely as indicated on each order of magnitudes.

    The DOM shows coefficients of a power series known as the decimal system.

    Traders play on the level that the their wealth or job agreements lets them. Greenspoon works for Chick and Chuck checks his ball. Some people do not work for others. They trade their personal wealth.

    So who is in the unit's jerseys? red

    Who is in the ten's jersey's orange

    Who play with hundreds colors? yellow

    And who plays the thosands? green machines.

    What bunch of jerseys are the protection and the orders showing for potential play to join the ball when the ball comes to the playing field boundaries?

    I had a col. as an adjunct at EOP. He was the DAJ to the cmdr of the Pac fleet during Veitnam. He referred to some people in meetings as "pussies"

    Lets look at the biggest part of the games. People who place and pull limit orders. First of all, they have the right to do it. that is not the pussy part.

    Most of all they do not play ball very much. they are not part of the size of the ball much of the time. they ae on the sidelines using their playing power to "fake" the DOM.

    They have the power because of the cash in their accounts.

    1,000,000 ES contracts a day happens as a base line. 24,000 by Greenspoon and his clones. 10,000 is 1% of the cummulative action 24,000, as stated is several percent. we have the picture.

    This makes less than 1 tick per average. These 400 car dealies are on and off the ball 50 times a day and sometimes the ball is dropped so to speak. 10,000 dollars a day on average.

    Look at how many times pussy plays are made that never make it to the ball. This means that necver are truns in any way.

    At some point the market gets to be seen for the first time. Here some people get to have that experience.

    Now we know most of what we see isn't happening in terms of the ball moving on the field. The ball is trades in progress where money is IN the market.

    Only money in the market is MAKING MONEY. Pussy money is on the field and only playing games on the field more or less far from where the ball is and where is is moving to.

    You can now see the field, the players and where they are bunched on the field. You see the protection and the potential players.

    Personal note: I am always part of the ball all day long. I do not do entries and exits. I continue and reverse. Do you see me there? I am looking at 17 leading indicator as shown on the posted display (fine only).

    Guys in red jersys can spend a year or so playing and losing. they lose enogh to put their jerseys away. They use prtection and see the ball come to them and knock them on their asses. all of the players getting knocked on their asses are wearing red jerseys except whom?

    What is the blow out color? What color does Nitro wear??

    Who is putting on the orange jerseys? Is making money a 10 is not too much in this game.

    Players have much different strengths when they are compared.

    I posted the excels on contract rates of increase for beginners, intermediates and experts. How long does it take to change the color of your jersey? Who cares?

    The point is what is your plan and does it work.

    Look how Greenspoon handles his performance andcoaching. Look at what he brings to the table to get coached. He is OODA'ed when he decides. He did this year already. Why? Because he wants to be on the ball.

    deos he deal with getting sneakers laced? strings laced? New balls every so many games?

    No he has balls that do not need replacing to play.

    We have to look into the details now of how the game is played and how you know what is coming up next all of the time.

    the picture is clear, now lets get the dynamics going and see what it means to have proved clinically that the Adaptive Market Hypothesis applys and works. If I had named it is would be called a jersey changing contest.

    How can you get an orange jersey?

    A yellow one? or a GREEN one?

    What color makes the most money? Do you know that yet?

    What color does Lance Armstrong wear.

    Some people wearing yellow (light yellow at that) have peeled off 100,000 dollars three times this year. You can nail 80 points per contract when you are allowed to wear yellow. This is not scalping only it is the part scalp (small) and not scalp (larger)
    #81     Apr 10, 2007
    Sprout likes this.
  2. Price doesn't move to size.
    #82     Apr 10, 2007
  3. Is that your opinion?
    If you have evidence to support the assertion, please provide it.
    #83     Apr 10, 2007
  4. lol
    #84     Apr 10, 2007
  5. lol?
    Do you just post here to play?
    You don't impress people with your vague generalizations.
    #85     Apr 10, 2007
  6. Hmmm ...

    Today's SPI, each bar 25 contracts wide.

    Middle plot is the ratio of total contracts at ask ( 5 book levels) to total contracts visible in book (all 10 levels) plotted as OHLC series.

    Lower plot is a smoothed version of the middle plot.
    #86     Apr 10, 2007
  7. Rescaling the above chart and a little later in the session.
    #87     Apr 10, 2007
  8. Ignore him, he's just an arrogant little prick who detroyed another fine thread.

    #88     Apr 10, 2007
  9. Jack
    just so I know if I'm reading the chart correctly, picking a point in the middle of your table at random: On 6 days in 2006 the overlap of EOD bars (relative to day before) was 7 points when the pace was defined as medium (forced curve). Negative overlap = gaps.

    The table shows that pace and bar overlap (a proxy for volatility) are proportional to some significant degree (if you hilight the days for each pace so you get more than 25 in each row using minimum columns you can see this).

    #89     Apr 10, 2007
  10. VSTscalper


    To all who have sent me a PM about the Webinar....all I can say is....I am working on sending PM's to everyone. I blows me away at how many PM's I have received. Going thru each one....but it is taking time. Will get to all of them....ASAP.

    I am still working on the Webinar presentation....plus trying to trade some. Actually didn't think there would be that much interest.

    #90     Apr 10, 2007