Blackmail material on Trump?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Frederick Foresight, Jan 11, 2017.

  1. Ditch


    Yeah, very presidential of Obummer to have a fake golden shower story leaked. Utter class! Text book Soviet Union era smear.
  2. Now would be an opportune time for you to engage in a bit of self-flagellation.
  3. Freddie Snowflake is trending towards a "Nitro-esque" meltdown. You can just sense it.
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  4. Ditch


    Really, you are the epitome of hypocrisy. Only two posts ago you come up here ranting about the lack of class of Donald Trump and now you post this?
    Tsing Tao likes this.
  5. Ditch


    Freddie is in a constant state of meltdown, it's called lunacy.
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  6. Yeah, the "month away" to "clear his head" (probably spent in a psych ward) has done wonders for him. He's more easily "triggered" these days.

    If you mention "Bowe Bergdahl" he loses his shit.
    Ditch and Tsing Tao like this.
  7. Self awareness, bro. Look at your avatar. A Crusader, no? A religious warrior? Well then get with the program:

    Trust me, if anyone deserves it, you do.
  8. fhl


    The left is losing it over a fake piss story, while still denying the legitimacy of Wikileaks, that exposed corruption.

    Urine for a long 8 years. There's nothing bladder than losing House, Senate,& Presidency.Streams of fake news from pee ons.
    #10     Jan 11, 2017
    Ditch, Arnie and Tsing Tao like this.