Intel chiefs told Trump that Russia has dirt on him: report

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wildchild, Jan 10, 2017.

  1. wildchild


    Damn, it turns out Putin has dirt on Trump. What are the Trump pompom boys going to do now? They have been running around for the last month saying how great Russia and Putin are and now it has come full circle.
  2. Yeah, sure they do. Sheesh...
  3. wildchild


    Its been a bad week for you AAA. First you thought it wasn't the Russians, then the Trump folks said it was the Russians, then Trump says the US taxpayer will pay for the wall, now it turns out the Russians have dirt on Trump.

    How about that?

    What exactly happened to lock her up? I guess that won't happen either.

    Muslim ban? That's been thrown by the wayside.

    BTW, how is that whole drain the swamp thing working out for you? Maybe Trump will replace the DC elites with upstanding citizens like Kayne West.

    Most politicians wait till they actually get into office to go back on their word. Trump starts breaking promises before he is even in office.

    I guess there is one thing that we can look forward to, and that's Trump using tax payer funds to bribe private companies. I thought redistribution of wealth was bad, AAA.
  4. JamesL


    "As noted in our story, there is serious reason to doubt the allegations."
  5. achilles28


    Civil war in the US Government right now. Wait until Trumps in power and cleaned house. Takes 4-8 months. Everything Wildchild said is taken out of context and/or flat wrong.
    traderob likes this.
  6. JamesL


  7. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

  8. fhl


    achilles28, Tom B and AAAintheBeltway like this.
  9. On the contrary. We have only ten more days of the Obama nightmare. He seems likely to spend most of it wasting taxpayer money on self tributes and partying with rap scum, but that is better than starting WW III or setting up a mosque in Lafayette park.

    I am eagerly looking forward to Trump and having an administration that actually puts America's interests first. It won't hurt that we can stop all the presidential race hustling either.

    I hope among his first orders of business is to clean up the intell community. They are a disgrace and a huge danger to our country. BTW, the leakers and political activists at Langley and the snoops at NSA do not "risk their lives for us", so hopefully they will drop that nonsense.
    traderob likes this.
  10. fhl


    Fools and nevertrumpers, but I repeat myself,

    #10     Jan 11, 2017
    traderob likes this.