Bill Clinton is about to be arrested for being a pedophile!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by FortuneTeller, Jul 5, 2020.

  1. If only these born again woke hollywooders would focus on having France send Roman Pervertski back we would be making some progress. Hollywood has been complicit in protecting him and his reputation BIGTIME. A guy who drugged and anally raped a 14 year old and then fled.

    At the time the French and other Europeans and Hollywooders lectured Americans continuously for allegedly being products of Puritans and that we were unable to see that the French have more liberal views toward sex. As if to say that every French parent is okay having some guy in his 40's drug and anally rape their 14 year old daughter. And Hollywood has given that clown standing ovations and award after award when he could not show up receive them in person. Now they are outraged over Epstein? They are the last ones in the country to get a clue on some of this stuff. They are part of the problem, not part of the solution. Rose McGowan and some of her buddies got porked by the scumbags now they want the whole world to be outraged because it happened to them.

    They also want clinton and randy andy arrested while they are out advocating for the defunding of the police. Go do it yourself bitch. Be careful you don't get raped again.
    CaptainObvious and smallfil like this.
  2. exGOPer


  3. piezoe


    The question we should be asking is who is paying these lunatics to post in these forums?
    Nobert likes this.
  4. smallfil


    The pilots who shuttled Epstein, Clinton and others better talk and if they have evidence to put it out there. That is the only way they have a chance of not being silenced. Chances are they will be eliminated because they are witnesses to the various crimes. The same goes for Ghislaine Maxwell. Turn state witness and put all the information out there.
    CaptainObvious likes this.
  5. exGOPer


    Believe it or not, this is regular Trumptard behavior, lies and conspiracy theories is all they got. Trump was accused of raping a child in court along with Epstein but Clinton who has never been accused is going to be arrested. This is classic gaslighting which right wingers live by.
  6. Wallet


    Shouldn’t you be asking that about the 5 or 6 deranged liberal posters here who post basically 24/7 nonstop. They flood this forum in an attempt to steer and squash political discussion tis’ textbook DNC playbook.
    elderado, CaptainObvious and traderob like this.
  7. exGOPer


    By this logic, posting absolute horseshit like 'Clinton is going to be arrested' is the RNC playbook, absolute fake news by dumb inbred hillbillies who think a New York conman is one of them. You seem to have zero problem with fake news but the fact that there is any diversity of opinions on this forum unlike every other Con shithole where dissent isn't tolerated.
  8. Nine_Ender


    This forum is dominated by virus deniers and racists right now.
    Frederick Foresight and Ricter like this.
  9. Wallet


    It’s not that Clinton is going to be arrested, it’s that he should be. Is he implicated in the Epstein mess? I have no idea, but there’s plenty of evidence and witnesses to his past rape allegations that have been swept under the rug.

    I guess we will find out who’s involved when Maxwell sings.
    #10     Jul 5, 2020