What did the Black Turd do when the Russians targeted US Troops?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by FortuneTeller, Jul 5, 2020.

  1. I see that "orange turd" can be used in a thread title about our USA loving President Trump. I just thought what did the BLACK TURD do when the Russians were targeting US troops? Or are their any idiots here that are stupid enough to believe that the Russians are doing this for the first time in history and NEVER did anything weird when the Black Turd was President? I mean, come on people. We can't be so stupid as to believe the Russians play nice right? They are as bad as the Democrat loving Chinese!
    Clubber Lang and smallfil like this.
  2. smallfil


    Just like the ET trolls believe that only Republicans die of the Corona Virus. Yes, those BLM and Antifa thugs without social distancing and also, sharing everything in their riots are immune. Most of the dead people came from extreme liberal states like New York, New Jersey and Michigan with the highest death rates based on infected cases. On the plus side, Corona Virus has reduced the pool of extreme liberal Democrat voters.
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  3. TRS


    One was born with that pigmentation the other chooses to apply the orange shit to himself
    Cuddles and exGOPer like this.
  4. wildchild


    Iran targeted US troops for years. Obama flew C-130s loaded with cash into Iran. Obama's Secretary of State went in front of Congress and testified the funds could be used for terrorism.
    TreeFrogTrader and smallfil like this.
  5. exGOPer


    AGAIN, citation NEEDED when this actually happened.


    Don't think you will get away this, I will hound you for your lie on every thread of yours if you don't back up your blatant lie.
  6. ph1l


    Russia is sending weapons to Taliban, top U.S. general confirms
    April 24, 2017
    "A senior U.S. military official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence on the issue, said the Russians have increased their supply of equipment and small arms to the Taliban over the past 18 months."

    Obama was President over most of those 18 months. One would hope he was informed.
  7. gwb-trading


    The U.S. armed the Afghan Islamic rebels (now the Taliban) against the Russians for many years.

    Blowback is a biatch.

  8. Lol . . . . . does Russia need anyone's permission to sell weapons ?
    TRS and exGOPer like this.
  9. exGOPer


    That's not even close to what we are discussing here, Russia was PAYING Taliban to kill US troops, it's not about sending weapons which is something even US did in the past.
    Tony Stark and TRS like this.
  10. vanzandt


    Well, it is. First of all, from what I've gathered the initial reports came from interrogations of captured Taliban (soldiers). How old are these guys? 18 years old? 16? Doesn't matter. The veracity of anything obtained is immediately suspect.

    This: "Russia was PAYING Taliban to kill US troops"... has not been proven.

    That leads us to the bank transfers. Weapons maybe? Bingo. So it is relevant in this discussion.
    As I mentioned in another thread... look up Operation Cyclone. I'd be willing to bet Putin may have a not so fond recollection of that since he was at the peak of his KGB career at the time and all those Stinger Missiles we gave to the Mujahedin... well they stung Russia pretty bad.
    #10     Jul 5, 2020
    Dr. Love likes this.