zzz spews hatred of white christians

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jem, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. It is essential that error be not confused with sin, and it is this distinction that makes salvation possible.

    Sin calls for punishment. Error calls for correction. The belief that punishment is correction is clearly insane.

    What you do to anyone you do to the Son of God, for there is no one apart from the Son.

    The Son of God can be mistaken; he can deceive himself; he can even turn the power of his mind against himself. But he cannot sin.

    A major tenet in the ego's insane religion is that sin is not error but truth, and it is innocence that would deceive.

    In such religion, purity is seen as arrogance, and the acceptance of the self as sinful is perceived as holiness.

    Any attempt to reinterpret sin as error is always indefensible to the ego. The idea of sin is wholly sacrosanct to its thought system, to be approached with reverence and awe.

    Sin is the most "holy" concept in the ego's system. It could be said that the ego made this world on sin. Only in such a world could everything be upside down.

    Sin has changed creation from an idea of God to an ideal the ego wants; a world it rules, made up of bodies, mindless and capable of complete corruption and decay.

    This world is a mistake that can be undone easily by truth. Any mistake can be corrected if truth be the judge.

    But if the mistake is given the status of truth, to what can it be brought but to the ego for judgment?

    There is no stone in all the ego's embattled citadel that is more heavily defended than the idea that sin is real.

    Perhaps you would be tempted to agree with the ego that it is far better to be sinful than mistaken. Think carefully before making this choice. It is the difference between Heaven and hell.

    If sin is real, both God and you are not. Sin would prove that what God created holy could not prevail against it.

    If sin is real, it must forever be beyond the hope of healing.

    An error, on the other hand, is not attractive. What you see clearly as a mistake, you want corrected.

    The Holy Spirit cannot punish sin. He recognizes mistakes and would correct them all as God entrusted Him to do.

    But sin He knows not, nor does he recognize mistakes that can not be corrected. A mistake that cannot be corrected is meaningless to Him.

    Mistakes call for correction and they call for nothing else. What calls for punishment must call for nothing.

    What then is sin?

    What could it be but a mistake you would keep hidden...a call for help that you would keep unheard and so unanswered?

    In time, the Holy Spirit clearly sees the Son of God can make mistakes. But He knows the difference between time and eternity. And when correction is completed, time is eternity.

    The Holy Spirit can teach you how to look on time differently and see beyond it, but not while you believe in sin.

    While you believe that your reality or your brother's is bounded to a body, you will believe in sin.

    While you believe that bodies can unite, you will find guilt attractive and believe that sin is precious. For the belief that bodies limit mind leads to a perception of the world in which the proof of separation seems to be everywhere. And each part of God's fragmented creation would have a different will, opposed to His, and in eternal opposition to Him and to each other.

    Here, sin is perceived as mightier than God, before which God Himself must bow, and offer His creation to its conqueror.

    I am made welcome in the state of grace, which means you have forgiven me. For I became the symbol of your sin, and so I had to die instead of you. To the ego, sin means death, and so atonement means murder. Salvation is looked upon as a way by which the Son of God was killed instead of you.

    Yet would I offer you my body, you whom I love, knowing its littleness?

    My body was of no greater value than yours...no better means for communication of salvation.

    No one can die for anyone, and death does not atone for sin.

    But you can live to show it is not real.

    Let me be to you the symbol of the end of guilt, and look upon your brother as you would look on me. Forgive me all the sins you think the Son of God committed.

    I ask for your forgiveness, for if you are guilty, so must I be. But if I surmounted guilt and overcame the world, you were with me.

    Would you see in me the symbol of guilt or the end of guilt? Whatever I signify to you, you see within yourself.

    #41     Jun 23, 2007
  2. jem


    so zzz we have your quotes spewing hatred.

    Now with respect to hate speech you are arguing out both sides of our mouth. Which is sign of being illogical at best.

    so quite simply -

    should there be anti hate speech laws. Yes or no.

    and if yes should those laws have criminal penalties attached to them.
    #42     Jun 23, 2007
  3. You are wrong, and an in name only Christian to boot!

    There should be laws in opposition of hate speech, when the hate speech is used as a tool to incite violence or harm toward the group or individual/s who are the object of hate...

    #43     Jun 23, 2007
  4. If yes, yes, that would be good for your business. Be sure to allocate the GNP to building bigger jails. Hopefully your own cell will be above average.

    On the other hand, if you made forgiveness a law, it would be good for you.

    Forgiveness is to let what is true be true. What is true about the world and the "hate speech" you hear within it?

    The truth is, what you see is a form of vengeance. The world you see is a projection of anger...your anger. Your anger and hate.

    Having projected anger, you must see vengeance about to strike at you. Your counter attacks are then seen as self-defense. This becomes an increasingly vicious circle until you are willing to change how you see, ie, "repent".

    Look around and verify what I just revealed:

    You only see the perishable.
    You see nothing that will last.

    What kind of sicko makes a world like this?

    The good news is that God did not make it so it is not real. And you can escape it by changing the cause of it.

    Every thought you have makes up some segment of the world you see. It is with your thoughts then, that we must work, if your perception of the world is to be changed.

    There is no point in lamenting the world. There is no point in trying to change the world. It is incapable of change because it is merely an effect.

    But there is indeed a point in changing your thoughts about the world. This way you are changing the cause. The effect - the world - will change automatically.

    The world you see is a vengeful world, and everything in it is a symbol of vengeance. Each of your perceptions of "external reality" is a pictorial representation of your own attack thoughts.

    One could well ask if this can be called seeing. Is not fantasy a better word for such a process? Would not "hallucination" be more apropos for the result?

    You see the world that you have made, but you do not see yourself as the image maker. You cannot be saved from the world, but you can escape from its cause.

    This is what salvation means. Where is the world you see when its cause is gone? Nowhere. Vision, on the other hand, already holds a replacement for everything you think you see now.

    The images you see were made of hate. Vision transforms them into something lovely that you will love.

    You are not trapped in the world you see because its cause can be changed. This change requires, first, that the cause be identified and then let go, so that it can be replaced.

    The first two steps in this process require your cooperation. The final one - replacement - does not.

    The truth is, your images have already been replaced. By taking the first two steps, you will see that this is so.

    If the cause of the world you see is attack thoughts, you must learn that it is these thoughts which you do not want.

    You want to include thoughts of attacking and of being attacked. Their effects are exactly the same. When you finally learn that thoughts of attack and of being attacked are not different, you will be ready to let the cause go.

    As an example, you can practice by saying to yourself:

    I can escape the world I see by giving up attack thoughts about ___________ (ie. ZZzzz)

    Hate speech "laws" will preserve the world you see, so that the status quo - the cause - does not change.

    It should be obvious that if you can be attacked you are not invulnerable. You see attack as a real threat. This is directly correlated to a belief that you can attack...

    And what would have effects through you must have effects on you.

    It is this law that will ultimately save you, but you are misusing it now. You must therefore learn how it can be used for your own best interests rather than against them.

    If attack thoughts must entail the belief that you are vulnerable, their effect is to weaken you in your own eyes. Thus, you always attack yourself first. And because you believe in them, you can no longer believe in yourself. As a result, a false image of yourself has come to take the place of what you are.

    Unaware of what you are, you do not recognize you are the maker of the world you see.

    #44     Jun 23, 2007
  5. jem


    do we not have laws that prevent people from inciting violence or harm right now.

    what do you mean by an in name Christian to boot. does that mean you do not hate me even though i am white?
    #45     Jun 23, 2007
  6. You are white?


    Are you really too stupid to understand what an "in name only Christian" is?

    You don't know what a CINO is?

    If you don't understand something, try doing some research.

    Here, I'll help you...



    #46     Jun 23, 2007
  7. As an in-name-only Christian, your concern is with Christ's vision. This you can attain.

    Christ's vision has one law. It does not look upon a body, and mistake it for the Son whom God created.

    Instead, Christ's vision beholds a light beyond the body; an idea beyond what can be touched, a purity undimmed by errors, pitiful mistakes, and fearful thoughts of guilt from dreams of sin.

    Christ's vision sees no separation. And it looks on everyone, on every circumstance, all happenings and all events, without the slightest fading of the light it sees.

    This can be taught; and must be taught by all who would achieve it.

    Christ's vision requires but the recognition that the world can not give anything that faintly can compare with this in value.

    There is nothing the world can set up as a goal that does not disappear when this vision has been perceived.

    Therefore, as Christ sees, see no one as a body.

    Greet each one as the Son of God he is, acknowledging that he is one with you in holiness. Thus are his sins forgiven him, for Christ has vision that has power to overlook them all.

    As Christ sees, sins are gone. Unseen, they merely disappear, replaced by vision of the holiness that lies beyond them.

    It matters not what form sins took, nor how enormous they appeared to be, nor who seemed to be hurt by them. They are no more. And all effects they seemed to have are gone with them, undone and never to be done.

    This lesson is not difficult to learn, if you remember in your brother you see yourself. If he is lost in sin, so must you be. If you see light in him, your sins have been forgiven yourself.

    As you give, so you receive. Give this vision, and you will receive it.

    In this way, each brother that you meet today provides another chance to let Christ's vision shine on you, and offer you the peace of God.

    A Christian is one who practices seeing with the eyes of Christ, until he sees with the eyes of Christ.

    Christ's vision is a miracle. Christ beholds no sin in anyone. No one is stranger to him.

    Christ's vision is the bridge between the worlds. And in its power can you safely trust to carry you from this world into one made holy by forgiveness. Things which seem quite solid here are merely shadows there; transparent, faintly seen, at times forgot, and never able to obscure the light that shines beyond them.

    Until you see this way, you are "blind"...and see in-name-only.

    This vision is the Holy Spirit's single gift; the treasure house to which you can appeal with perfect certainty for all the things that can contribute to your happiness.

    Behold the store of miracles set out for you to give. Blind, you are unable to see miracles, and are therefore unable to give them.

    Christ's vision is the miracle in which all miracles are born. His vision gives the means for a return to your unlost and everlasting sanctity in God.

    Take from His storehouse, that its treasures may increase.

    Each day, each hour, each instant, you are choosing what you want to look upon, the sounds you want to hear, the witnesses to what you want to be the truth for you.

    Today, choose to look upon what Christ would have you see, to listen to God's Voice, and seek the witnesses to what is true in God's creation.

    In Christ's sight, the world and God's creation meet, and as they come together all perception disappears. Christ's kindly sight redeems the world from death, for everything He looks on must live.

    Perception is a mirror, not a fact. And what you look on is your state of mind, reflected outward. You can bless the world by looking on it through the eyes of Christ.

    You can obscure this sight if you intrude your world upon it. Unless you use His vision, you will not see the holy sights He sees.

    While you still remain outside the gate of Heaven, let yourself look on all you see through the holy vision and the eyes of Christ.

    Only reality is free of pain. Only reality is free of loss. Only reality is wholly safe.

    To see otherwise is to criticize and judge God's creation, interfering with reality, blasphemously distorting it into sickly forms.

    The images you see reflect your thoughts. Yet is your mind at one with God's.

    You have indeed misunderstood the world. How foolish and deceived you were to think that what you feared was in the world, instead of in your mind alone.

    Today, see the world in the celestial gentleness with which creation shines...with the eyes of Christ.

    Surrounding you is all the life that God created in His Love. Yet you do not see it while in-name-only seeing with the eyes of Christ.

    Use not the bodies eyes today. Let Christ be your eyes today. And through His sight offer healing to the world through Him.

    Who is Christ? He is God's Son as He created Him. He is the Self we share, uniting us with one another, and with God as well.

    Christ is the link that keeps you one with God, and guarantees that separation is no more than an illusion of despair. You mind is part of His, and His of yours. He remains untouched by anything the bodies eyes perceive.

    The Holy Spirit reaches from the Christ in you to all your dreams, and bids them come to Him to be translated into truth. He will exchange them for the final dream which God appointed as the end of dreams. When the dream of forgiveness rests upon the world and peace has come to every Son of God, what could there be to keep things separate?

    When you see the face of Christ in everyone, it is the symbol that the time for learning now is over, and the goal of the Atonement has been reached at last.

    Therefore, a Christian seeks to find Christ's face and look on nothing else. Christians share one vision as they look on the face of Him Whose Self is ours.

    As you behold His glory, you will know you have no need of learning or perception or of time. You have no need of anything except the holy Self, the Christ Whom God created as His Son.

    Christ's vision let's you see the real world.

    The real world is a symbol, like the rest of what perception offers. Yet it stands for what is opposite to what you made. Your world is seen through eyes of fear, and brings the witnesses of terror to your mind.

    The real world cannot be perceived except through eyes forgiveness blesses. Such eyes see a world where terror is impossible, and witnesses to fear can not be found.

    The real world holds a counterpart to each unhappy thought reflected in your world...a sure correction for the sights of fear and sounds of battle which your world contains.

    The real world shows a world seen differently, through quiet eyes and with a mind at peace. Nothing but rest is there. There are no cries of pain and sorrow heard, for nothing there remains outside forgiveness. And the sights are gentle.

    Only happy sights and sounds can reach the mind that has forgiven itself. What need has such a mind for thoughts of death, attack and murder? The world it sees arises from a mind at peace with itself.

    The Bible says God gave the world His only-begotten Son. He gave it to his Son. Not the world you see. He gave the real world to His Son. So He has given it to you.

    The real world is the symbol that the dream of sin and guilt is over, and God's Son no longer sleeps. His waking eyes percieve the sure reflection of his Father's love...the certain promise that he is redeemed.

    The real world signifies the end of time, for its perception makes time purposeless. So it is seen in a state of grace.

    Accept this vision both for yourself and for the world.

    God's promises make no exceptions. And he guarantees that only joy can be the final outcome found for everything. Yet it is up to you when this is reached.

    As an in-name-only Christian, Christ asks that He may use your eyes today, and thus redeem the world. Redemption must be one. As you are saved, the world is saved with you. For all must be redeemed together.

    Forgiveness is the only gift you can give Christ, because it is the only gift you want. Give it that he may offer you peace of mind, taking away all terror and pain. And as they are removed from you, the dreams that seemed to settle on the world are gone.

    Everything you give, you give yourself. This is salvation's simple formula.

    The world will be saved as you accept Atonement for yourself.

    All that intruded upon your holy sight forgiveness takes away. And as you see, you draw near the end of senseless journeys, mad careers and artificial values. And thus are you restored to your reality at last.

    You do not yet understand what is meant by Atonement. Your holiness is far beyond your own ability to understand or know. Yet God, our Father, acknowledges your holiness as His. Our Will, together, understands it. And our Will, together, knows that it is so. Understanding it, you can appreciate it. Appreciating it, can you accept the Atonement.

    #47     Jun 24, 2007
  8. jem


    Once again instead of answering my question you come up with a misdirection.

    Your first quote source clearly states the following as part of his premise -

    "if we were a Christian nation."

    Idiots acitvists liberal judges and the ACLU have caused this nation to stop being a Christian nation decades ago.

    Just the other day you said we should be keeping religion out of politics.

    could you be any more confused, you can;t have it both ways.

    You are weak spineless piece person who spews hatred against Christians. Yet you wish argue for hate speech protection of gays. You then seem to blame our country for being more Christian all the while supporting the efforts of the aclu and activist judges who caused our country to stop being Christian for the last 70 years or so.

    You are a delusional man so consumed by hate you have lost all your powers of reason on this subject.
    #48     Jun 25, 2007
  9. just frikin tell him.. are you a psychopath? CINO would be "Christian in name only"... akin to Rino which is "republican in name only." zzzz quit being such a girl.
    #49     Jun 25, 2007
  10. Ramtha and Jesus are incompatible... please stop.
    #50     Jun 25, 2007