Zendina's TST Combine Journal

Discussion in 'Journals' started by ZENDINA, Jun 15, 2014.



    Hi Everyone,

    I started my first Combine with Topstep Trader 2 days ago and would like to share my journey. Any insights are very much appreciated. I signed up for the 150K account. I am trading 10 contracts of the ES contract. So far, my results are:

    Day 1- $150 profit
    Day 2- $500 profit

    I need to have at least $9000 in profits to pass the combine with 8 days remaining. My plan the first 2 days was to calm my fears and do no harm to my combine. This is my first combine, and my goal is, of course, to pass it. I was good at taking very small losses when order flow no longer supported the trades, however, I also cut some of my profits short, leading to less profit. I will be working on that these next few days. I do have a good, solid plan and I need to trust it and not let my nerves interfere. I have worked incredibly hard with tens of thousands of hours of screen time so I need to just relax.


    Just finished my 3rd day of 10 days total of the combine. I was +$650. Total profit for the 3 days is $1300. I made 2 trades this morning. One was breakeven and the other was +$750, so after commisssions, it is up $650 for the day. I watched the chop in the afternoon, but did not want to enter the market because it was too sloppy. I will not be trading tomorrow (Wednesday) because it is "Fed Day" and will resume trading on Thursday.
  3. Any update?