YOUR Religion

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by estrader, Feb 5, 2006.

What is your religion/religious heritage?

  1. Christian

    54 vote(s)
  2. Buddist

    7 vote(s)
  3. Muslim

    11 vote(s)
  4. Hindu

    4 vote(s)
  5. Liberal

    3 vote(s)
  6. Marxist

    3 vote(s)
  7. Agnostic

    44 vote(s)
  1. bellman


    Let's get something straight before you boneheads take this any further. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY talks about 6 dimensions.

    There are 3 and only 3 spatial dimensions. Count them. 1 - 2 - 3.

    Some refer to time as the fourth space-time dimension ala Stephen Hawking.

    We have 5 senses. Of those sight is the primary sense in which MOST humans perceive the 3 spatial dimensions.

    When you say another dimension, I believe you are referring to another space-time continuum. This is entirely possible, but in my world of reality I have neither seen, heard, nor reasoned any evidence to support this possibility.

    Shew, I feel better now. I just couldn't take reading this nonsense any longer.

    #31     Feb 9, 2006
  2. stu


    Taking shoeshine's "our five dimensions of perception" being meant as the representation of sight, sound, touch, smell, taste, offered some sort of ground for him to argue superstition from.

    However, it appears he was actually suggesting if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, feels like a duck, smells like a duck and tastes like a duck, then it's a five dimensional space alien touching us all up.
    #32     Feb 9, 2006
  3. Sorry, I spazzed...
    #33     Feb 9, 2006
  4. No, but let’s say there are spirits in another dimension as the majority of earth’s inhabitants believe. Why do you believe that these would be, without argument, undetectable and unknowable? That’s a stretch of logic…

    If you were arguming that they would be unprovable, I could see where you were headed...
    #34     Feb 9, 2006
  5. stu


    Ok let's say there are spirits in another dimension. Were they ever provable , detectable and/or knowable then neither the spirits or the dimension is or ever was supernatural.
    I don't believe that. I am saying were they detectable and knowable, they never were supernatural anyway.
    Hold up. You say it's ok for something to be unprovable but undetectable and unknowable is a stretch of logic? Why?

    I already mentioned my view is literally everything and anything can be described as supernatural when it is undetectable and unknowable and unprovable, so supernatural self-eliminates, as the word receives no specific coherent meaning or definition. For instance, supernatural-deity is substantially meaningless, as is supernatural dimension ,supernatural fairy or supernatural anything else.

    Other dimensions where other beings exist would be natural, perhaps extraordinary, but still natural just as much as any other thing is. Because they are not known of or are undetectable does not render something supernatural by either your definitions. The only realm to which supernatural can be related to is when six "dimensions" ( I took it you meant to say senses) are referred to, not just the five. The sixth being thought, where supernatural is defined, but directly eliminates itself ....unless of course the majority of "earth’s inhabitants believe" for a while anything they like , whilst ignoring everything it would mean - isn't that what supernatural really is ?.
    #35     Feb 10, 2006
  6. A; There arent, its all the same dimension, the same beings. Theres just a lot of them, so it gets confusing.

    B;They do, not just occasionally.

    C;Incorrect, its mostly random, and our senses are worth stuff all, like windows.

    D; Enough

    E; Not really, thats not the goal or objective.

    Hope that answered your questions.

    #36     Feb 10, 2006

  7. Yes, some have left an evidence trial.

    Also, depending on what you accept as evidence, there are people all over the globe channeling messages regularily, even weekly, for example,

    And for your particular pleasure, there is this work of art:

    The Master himself came and sat daily for four months with artist Glenda Green in 1991 resulting in a canvass that, at one point was punctured when a light fell on it. Many witnesses to the damage, yet the damage repared itself flawlessly.

    So it depends on how much evidence you need.
    #37     Feb 10, 2006
  8. Okay, I think we're actually agreeing overall. It's true that these other beings may exist in dimension that are actually "natural" in the sense that they are part of our S/T universe...
    #38     Feb 10, 2006
  9. I appreciate the response, but I'm trying to figure out how you got 5 q's out of my post. :confused: :)
    #39     Feb 10, 2006
  10. Well, of course, I believe these beings leave an evidence trail. You and I totally agree on that. It's just I believe in a definite spiritual polarization that you don't accept.
    #40     Feb 10, 2006