Your Online Personality

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Thunderdog, Jul 26, 2003.

  1. I have often wondered, after reading some posts in this forum and participating in the chat room, whether the online personalities are the real thing. Stated differently, I am curious to know if the way you portray yourself on Elite Trader is a true reflection of who you really are.

    I have noticed that some folks here have a propensity for making derisive comments that I do not often hear in the “real” world. I do not refer to constructive criticism, which can be useful. Rather, I refer to demeaning insults of the “you’re a loser” variety. Someone once suggested to me that such conduct here is not “real” and is more of a caricature, along the lines of “locker room behavior.” I think this may be a moot point because I also think that “locker room conduct” is a window to the unguarded self. Indeed, I wonder if the conduct here is more genuine than what we see in the “real” world since the participants can shed their real world facades behind the security of anonymity. Is the Internet the answer to the question, “What would you say and do if no one would really hold you accountable in a meaningful way?” Naturally, I do not refer to those people who have actually identified themselves here.

    Any thoughts?


  2. no thots here :-|
  3. Eventually, the truth is revealed.
  4. I am always drinking...

    I have never traded...

    I don't have any friends...

    I have never had sex...

    I don't have a job...

    I don't have a car...

    I stay home all day...
  5. vega


    You don't have a car ???????????:p :p

    Just kidding, but you just left yourself toooooooooo wide open on that one, hehehehehehe
