Your experiences with being auto-liquidated by IBKR's strict risk management

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by helpme_please, Jun 24, 2017.

  1. I'm with IB Canada. I trade Canadian and US stocks on margin, although I only trade common stocks and I'm always long. From what I've read the autoliquidation disputes seem to be in options. One of the disputes I read about, a hedge fund with positions that were autoliquidated by IB, the dispute wasn't over the autoliquidation itself but they claimed they got filled at unacceptably bad prices. The other dispute, more interestingly, was an engineer who took them to arbitration and won on the basis that the system should never have autoliquidated him to begin with.

    Anyway, I'm more of a "sophisticated amateur" speculator on stock fundamentals, not a trader to say nothing of a pro trader and in my simple little common stocks world, I have never read about an IB autoliquidation dispute over liquid stocks. I like the system because I don't believe in meeting a margin call; if something happens and it's bad enough, I want out.

    But for stock traders on margin like me, I'd have to say that nobody comes even remotely close to IB for execution, price, or margin interest. They are in a whole different category of performance.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2019
    #51     Sep 14, 2019
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