Your Dream Trading Platform

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by Bryantrades, Mar 30, 2018.

  1. Hello traders,

    If you had the ability to create your own trading platform how would it be? What would make it your dream trading platform? Currently what is your favorite trading platform? If so why, and what would make it even better? This is an open discussion where all ideas are welcome. Please feel free to join and share your thoughts.
  2. JSOP


    Current ThinkOrSwim

    full programming capabilities (not the current restrictive scripts where you can't even do a for loop)

    option price forecasting model like in Option Analytics in IB (the ONLY feature
    in IB that is quite useful when it works)

    + help manual

    - outdated/non-supported legacy features like Prophet

    = My dream trading platform
    Bryantrades likes this.
  3. dealmaker


    Redi Plus is the best amongst the platforms I have used...
    Bryantrades likes this.
  4. My dream trading platform is that i`m working on right, that would show me the weak signals retailers are taking in masse, on a daily basis.
  5. You don't need a so-called dream trading platform, whatever that even means.
    They all more or less do the same thing, and perform the same functions.

    You should instead focus on your trading skill and strategy and execution and mindset and psychology.

    That's like buying a wrist watch...depending on how much you like the box and booklets and papers and packaging, o_O
    Bryantrades likes this.
  6. Put up MACD, stochastics, RSI, draw some trendlines and channels and you have them.
    Bryantrades likes this.
  7. not all that simple
  8. Sure, if you want to complicate a simple matter.
    Sprout likes this.
  9. What a brilliant plan. Might as well donate to a good charity, as it's much more rewarding.
    antiseptic and lovethetrade like this.
  10. Most important thing for me is support of API REST with python package and a lot third parties development/active user community.
    #10     Mar 31, 2018
    antiseptic likes this.