You might be a compulsive gambler, if....

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Pekelo, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. Pekelo


    Very good explanation and signs, the most important part:

    "Paul Good, a clinical psychologist in San Francisco, developed 11 warning signs that may reveal whether an investor is actually a gambler in disguise. Anyone who exhibits five or more of these signs may have a gambling problem.

    1. High-volume trading in which the "action" has become more compelling than the objective of the trade.

    2. Preoccupation with one's investments (e.g., excessive studying of investment newspapers or websites, thoughts about the market that interfere with work or one's social life, constant calls to one's broker).

    3. Needing to increase the amount of money in the market or the "leverage" of one's investments to feel excited (e.g., using options or future contracts, borrowing on margin).

    4. Repeated unsuccessful efforts to stop or control one's market activity (e.g., drawing on accounts previously declared off limits, contradicting or changing limit orders on losses or gains).

    5. Restlessness or irritability when attempting to cut down or stop market activity, or when cash is accruing in one's account.

    6. Involvement in market activity to escape problems, relieve depression, or distract oneself from painful emotions.

    7. After taking losses in the market, continuing to take positions or increasing one's position as a way of getting even.

    8. Lying to family members and friends to conceal the extent of involvement in the market.

    9. Committing illegal acts, such as forgery, fraud, theft, or embezzlement, to finance market activity.

    10. Jeopardizing significant relationships, one's job, or educational or career opportunities because of excessive involvement in the market.

    11. Relying on others to provide money to relieve a desperate financial situation caused by gambling in the markets."
  2. 12. You smoke on winning days and drink on losing days.

    (jk Oldtime) :)