You know you need to relax when you catch yourself reading about saddle gamma

Discussion in 'Options' started by .sigma, Jul 21, 2020.

  1. .sigma



    it’s time to take a break, .sigma
  2. Overnight


    .sigma likes this.
  3. I don't know... I've been looking at theta/gamma/IV surfaces for a while now, and don't feel any need to take a rest.

    (Oh, is it time for my Thorazine shot now? No need for the taser, I'll take it quietly.)

    .sigma likes this.
  4. Overnight


    Mreh. For people who do not have anxiety disorders, I suppose Ativan seems like a fun drug to get high on, so you can get low. If the folks in that band ever knew anyone who suffered from severe anxiety disorder, they'd know what Ativan is really all about, and that is to bring them back down to earth, to be "normal" functioning level.
  5. Dude. Zdogg is a doctor. The video is snarking at nurses and doctors who overuse Ativan, Haldol, etc. for "unruly" patients.
  6. Overnight


    Ahh. So he has a license to ill on his pill. I get it.

  7. Zdogg is mordantly funny, smart as hell, and on point re COVID, nursing, etc. He's awesome, and pretty much anything he does on YT is worth watching.
  8. Right right! Time to catch up on some sleep, at least a teeny weeny nap zzzzzz
    .sigma likes this.