You know Republicans really F**CKED UP WHEN

Discussion in 'Politics' started by KINGOFSHORTS, Aug 14, 2009.

They really messed up

  1. Yes

    13 vote(s)
  2. No.

    4 vote(s)
  1. The Republicans are so fucked up they might need this guy to win :D

    #31     Aug 15, 2009
  2. Illegal immigration exists because there are people with vested interests in it continuing. Some people want a permanent underclass of people who tend fields, work in hotels, construction, etc.

    For 1/10th (or less!) of the money spent in Iraq you can build a wall that only the very few would be able to get through.

    There is no will to stop illegal immigration.
    #32     Aug 15, 2009
  3. I was looking at it from the illegals point of view to get them out of here and for them not to want to come,But I agree with you.The Gov has to want to stop illegal immigration first
    #33     Aug 15, 2009
  4. I agree with your assessment of 2012, as there are just so many economic / political dynamics that appear to be headed for a convergence in the 2012-2014 time frame.

    I vote Republican only because I could never vote Democrat based upon ethical and moral reasons. I would be thrilled to see the Taxpayer or Constitution party gain momentum, but until then it is a wasted vote.

    If the average citizen does not begin to see what both of the main political partys are doing to this nation, then all is lost.

    For instance, tucked away rather neatly in the ObamaCare proposals is a previously (12 years ago) failed provision which was called "Parents as Teachers". This item would require government workers to be allowed into the homes of new parents to "mentor" young parents on how to "parent" according to government standards !! This is an abomination. If this goes through, and these government "parent mentors" (from such community groups as ACORN ?) start forcing their way into homes, the Democrat party wont be able to win an election in Boston for dog catcher.

    But that is how these things work. Some idiot in congress comes up with this junk, and they just keep pushing it year after year until finally it passes. Does anyone really think the PatriotAct (an oxymoron if I have ever heard one) was written overnight ?

    As far as a political candidate for 2012......other than Ron Paul, I just don't know yet.
    #34     Aug 15, 2009
  5. Palin lost the election, period. If McCain had picked a reasonable, rational, photogenic running mate, he'd be president today.
    #35     Aug 16, 2009
  6. Hagel does not have the money/support to launch a national campaign and I don't think he will want to ruin it for Obama. He is hated by the conservative base because he questioned the ill managed Iraq war.
    #36     Aug 16, 2009