yield curve / time 3d graph

Discussion in 'Financial Futures' started by Friheten, Mar 11, 2017.

  1. Friheten


    Is there any charting software that can graph the yield curve (schatz, bobl, bund, buxl / 2y, 5y, 10y, 30y) over time in a 3d graph? would be interesting to have in realtime..
  2. fxshrat


  3. Friheten


    Another reason to learn Python and Matlab i suppose
  4. i960


    Can do it in R as well, probably even Excel. It's just a 3 axis chart (time).
  5. xandman


    If you look at the IBKR forward curves, it has historical and the current curves.

    Very easily done in Excel RTD , if your data provider has historical data. Finding the inexpensive provider with historicals is the hard part.

    Use interpolation for months that have not been listed.
  6. xandman


    Btw: Barchart has a free, limited use API and was cognizant of a need for a European Grouping. You can also demo barchart trader.

  7. O(1)
