Yield curve inversion

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Maverick2608, Aug 15, 2019.

  1. Has anyone seen a similar graph covering a longer period?

  2. [​IMG]
  3. [​IMG]
    trader99 likes this.
  4. Put in 'layman' terms. The Fed doesn't see any more growth and sees less demand for money in the near term or short term. People are not borrowing money to invest or buy stocks. the investing communit what you call it thinks prices are too high and no profit in buying now. and isn't borrowing money to invest. That is the free market regulating prices. no profit, no investment. and it works. i don't care if interest is ZERO,, i still won't buy overpriced, or worthless scam stocks. it's the 'free market REGULATING itself, the gov't or central bank is trying MANIPULATE the market by manipulating central bank rates it lends to 'preferred rich clients' who borrow money for almost nothing and ripping off depositors mostly seniors and orphan funds you know.
    ElectricSavant likes this.