Yet another risk to consider...

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Bad_Badness, Apr 27, 2021.

  1. @comagnum Big Mike has a whole write-up about bonding multiple ISP connections here:

    For many an easier option is trading over a VPS. I'm a bit biased, but highly recommend it because network redundancies at data centers are more reliable than home solutions. Also less expensive than buying multiple ISPs (many homes only have a single option for ISP), less technical, and the VPS is located in Chicago for lower latency to CME & broker.

    Last gen VPS had a problem where chart trading would feel laggy and many people were turned off. However with our new gen VPS you won't feel lag while chart trading, typing, moving your mouse, or scrolling. Feels just like trading from a home computer, with the added benefit of never losing internet connection. Even if you shutdown or switch to a different computer, your VPS and trading software will always be on exactly how you left it.
    #11     Apr 29, 2021