Yes, the last decade saw global cooling, not warming

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bugscoe, Dec 12, 2009.

  1. Seems to me, the cure is worse than the disease. So thanks, but no thanks.
    #31     Dec 13, 2009
  2. Well the problem is declaring carbon dioxide a dangerous gas that needs to be regulated and thus will usher in green jobs is it's just another example of the broken window fallacy.
    #32     Dec 13, 2009
  3. No, it's really not.
    #33     Dec 13, 2009
  4. Then come up with a better cure, because, make no mistake about it, there has to be a cure.

    "I don't like it" is not an argument, it's just a whine.
    #34     Dec 13, 2009
  5. Nope. Try something else. The broken window fallacy regards breaking something, not in ignoring something that's already broken.
    #35     Dec 13, 2009
  6. Yes, it really is.
    #36     Dec 13, 2009
  7. Alright, please give an example of how scientists' opinions were changed en masse, around the world, to preserve their funding.

    For bonus points, please include NASA in your example.
    #37     Dec 13, 2009
  8. You can pretend it won't drive up costs and reduce wealth but that won't change reality.
    #38     Dec 13, 2009
  9. You claim to be a cheerleader for science, yet you refuse to look at any science that challenges your bias. That is the definition of a junkster politcal hack.

    For some reason you're hung up on NASA, an agency who for the last two years has refused to provide information to show how it shaped its climate data and to also explain why they've had to repeatedly correct their data going back to the 1930's.

    Just like how the Anglia boys 'lost' the very data their entire lives work was built upon when questions began to surface. That way no one can even question them- the data is gone for good. Now that is science baby! NASA is taking the same approach. Don't question us, just trust us.

    Now if I try to sell you a trading system, but refuse to show you my actual account trading records in using that system, you tell me what my intentions are? I guess for you, the numbers I put on the cheaply designed website are scientific enough for you to open your pocket book. And if you don't like me refusing, I'll simply tell you I lost them.

    People like you, who have no working bullshit meter are a dream come true for liberalism, and trading system sellers, and used cars salesmen, and the Nigerians looking to give you that $2 million bucks left just for you.
    #39     Dec 13, 2009
  10. My trading system is really'll be rich...

    #40     Dec 13, 2009