Yes, It’s a Blue Wave

Discussion in 'Politics' started by exGOPer, Nov 7, 2018.

  1. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    #11     Nov 8, 2018
  2. exGOPer


    “Democrats have won at least 33 seats, but they look poised to win closer to 40 — there are 13 races that are either not called or too close to call, and Democrats have a solid chance of winning seven of those,” Axios reports.

    James Hohmann: “Democrats picked up more House seats than they have in any midterm election since 1974, three months after Richard Nixon’s resignation, and a dozen races still remain uncalled by the Associated Press. That’s all the more remarkable considering that the economy is booming, unemployment is historically low and wages are growing.”
    #12     Nov 9, 2018
  3. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    #13     Nov 9, 2018
  4. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    If the districts were drawn the same as they were in 2010 Dems would have won a lot more seats imo.
    #14     Nov 9, 2018
  5. Nine_Ender


    When Obama was in power the same group of posters were complaining about everything that have been gloating about Trump's election win for two years. They'll be back to complaining if he loses or retires. I just can't see why they like him, I don't see what he's done to help most Americans and many of his trade and tax initiatives will eventually if not already hurt middle class Americans. Lower class Americans are hurt by medical costs and precarious work conditions and neither party has done nearly enough on this. A strong economy on paper, but is it really translating into a more stable, prosperous life for voters ?

    Partisan Americans sometimes vote for "their guy" regardless of how badly he governs ( hence George W. Bush got a second term ), but the renewed political interest and voting by women is a game changer. Many woman believed in Trump despite the red flags and he's just not a good leader for American woman and what many of them care about. The female vote when Trump got elected was one of the strangest dynamics in recent times.

    2020 and I guess possibly 2024 are still in play but by roughly 2028 the Republican party is in huge trouble unless it modernizes it's ideas.
    #15     Nov 9, 2018
    TRS, Tony Stark and exGOPer like this.
  6. exGOPer


    I agree, there are a lot of low IQ people in the Democratic Party but it's only in the Republican Party do they form the core of the leadership and the base. No Democrat would have voted for a fake Clinton University or Obama University Dean for starters.
    #16     Nov 9, 2018
    TRS likes this.
  7. exGOPer


    Axios on three factors that should worry Trump and the GOP:

    • The midterm results were actually a terrible leading indicator for him. Turns out that without Hillary atop the ticket, Midwest states like Wisconsin are tough for Trump, and Southern states with rising Hispanic populations are slowly growing more Democratic. Long term, the GOP should be freaking out about this.
    • Trump and the GOP face two years of public investigations, coming from three different and dangerous directions: Robert Mueller, the state of New York and Congress. Two years of probing hell await.
    • The prolonged recovery is on borrowed time, and a recession could well hit at the worst possible time for Trump — in the thick of the presidential race. Live by the markets, die by the markets.
    Bloomberg: “The midterm elections reshaped the 2020 presidential campaign landscape by taking some longstanding battlegrounds off the map while adding new swing states, presenting challenges for President Trump and the crowd of Democrats eager to run against him.”

    “Perhaps the most significant shift in 2018 came in upscale, highly educated suburban areas that had voted Republican for generations and broke for Democrats this year.”

    Said GOP consultant Brad Todd: “We can’t let the suburbs become a part of the realignment. Democrats’ numbers in urban areas and coastal areas are skyrocketing, much like our numbers are in the heartland. Suburban seats in California and the Northeast are going to continue to be difficult for us. But we need to win suburban seats in the Sun Belt and the Midwest.”
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2018
    #17     Nov 13, 2018
  8. exGOPer


    Democrats will take all 4 seats in Orange County.

    #18     Nov 13, 2018
  9. wildchild


    Yeah those Senate seats that the Republicans picked up were certainly gerrymandered.
    #19     Nov 13, 2018
  10. exGOPer
