Xmas Rally Has Finished.

Discussion in 'Trading' started by GrandSupercycle, Dec 3, 2011.

  1. No, there was no maybe or even uncertainty for me about whether to take profits; that was extremely foolish! I'm sorry. If taking profits during the second best week ever for the Dow wasn't a clue-in then millions of people like you aren't going to be happy with where the market went at the end of the year, and may even consider pulling out fearing recession next year, which hasn't been predicted by economists or even indicated by data, but those fears come on all at once just like the next market cycle won't make new highs for at least a year.

    If you didn't take care of this last week you will probably lose some money monday and if you don't sell by tuesday, I need the pig oinking sound bite Jim Cramer has.

    Sounds like a pig saying:

    #21     Dec 3, 2011

  2. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EoS52fVtVQM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <b>Service based economies cannot keep printing money to bail out financial services companies because we expect them to be rational. The best way to correct this is to allow failure, not bailout the same people who will do it again out of moral hazard, which could be a new premium to account for in corporate bonds. The only way to produce economic growth and jobs is miners to mine resources, everything, and oil companies drilling for oil, natural gas, shale, and the like. If the United States decided today to completely committ to harvesting every last resource not only would this send the market skyrocketing but President Obama and The Mulish Ilk have all been stymeing those activities, especially when it comes to producing the resources this country must have in order to become energy indpendent, and my stock exchange has plans to only offer companies that can produce profits and keep their edge without the transactionalism, liquidity problems and false reporting common to all of the pink sheets nasdaq listed companies with ebitda below $100,000 and assets less than the minimum required to list.

    Producing resources is vital if we are going to maintain our competitive edge as we're losing it in technology since we have allowed copy cats to rip off revolutionary technologies with impunity. The lack of intellectual property rights especially in China is out of control, and CNBC even did a report about it noting that Apple did not authorize a certain store manager to ever copy the Apple logo and iconic brands product's technologies.

    So you have marginalization and there isn't a more hilarious way to put it to the American People that our government is destroying our future, and my generation's most of all. </b>
    #22     Dec 3, 2011
  3. Down goes the dollar, up goes the stock markets and everything else that is priced in US dollars.
    #23     Dec 3, 2011
  4. Uh, AHEM! No! It's another much worse May 6th. Markets would not go up, but catastrophically collapse. And if it's not by QE3 guaranteed by QE4.

    No, no, no, no, no, no. It is not going to be good for stocks when the Euro's crashing 5 cents daily and our dollar is also going down. It's the perfect storm and the Fed is going to be fueling it.

    <b>You can't triple M1 Money Supplies and quintuple your debt!!!!!!!!!!!!</b>

    It doesn't work that way, which means you bhardy should not even be trading or even managing your own money, because you clearly have no graspe of Economics, Macroeconomics, Financial Economics, and my specialty, Financial Science.

    Please, the next $2,000 you lose recognize that you're a failure and go seek professional help with your portfolio, but then they'll just tell you to invest, and, ah, dammit, there's probably nobody else to go to but me, and a certain number of individuals I can count on one hand.

    But don't feel that bad, lots of people have this misconception that somehow stocks will rise if commodity prices rise and that's the real decoupling to be worried about, not whether US growth is normalizing relative to other countries.
    #24     Dec 3, 2011
  5. I don't see the Euro collapsing. I feel this way because it would not only be a disaster for Europe, it would be a disaster for everyone. It would create a world wide depression.

    The powers that be have no choice but to work together. You are going to see all the major powers prop up the European Union. They have no choice. Their own survival depends on it.

    If the Euro collapses, it won't happen in the next 5 years.

    "Please, the next $2,000 you lose recognize that you're a failure and go seek professional help with your portfolio, but then they'll just tell you to invest, and, ah, dammit, there's probably nobody else to go to but me, and a certain number of individuals I can count on one hand."

    ... and the insults begin again. You guys are so lovable.
    #25     Dec 3, 2011
  6. So says you, the man who knows nothing about Macroeconomics or anything about Finance.
    #26     Dec 3, 2011
  7. Forgive me sir while I get down on my knees and kiss your royal feet.

    So tell me, sir, when will the Euro collapse?
    #27     Dec 3, 2011
  8. It already has. 1.60 to below 1.35, then below 1.20, then parity, but as soon as it starts to approach parity the ECB will intervene but the reason intervention will not in any uncertain terms work is because it is a double edged sword that buying usually does produce a rise in currencies but you're also flooding the market with excess Euros, backfiring and sending it even further lower. And here's the double edge part, that's just one edge, the purchases the ECB will take in an attempt to intervene will also send the Euro down by however much the ECB is arrogant enough to use in its defense. That's not defense, that is madness, and the Fed should have no part of it.

    Where I disagree with the National Inflation Association is whether we'd be worse off. We certainly would, but I don't believe we'd win a race to the bottom with the euro. No, just watch for the next 5 cent down day, because it's coming, and was the nightmarish dream I had the day I told my father to dump his stock with Dow 12,045. I fear the Euro falling by 5 cents in a day, but not only 5 cents it will continue for up to a week straight, creating recession that is already in the EuroZone.

    If the Fed does not extend its facilities at the IMF to the ECB by <b><i>at least 2 trillion Euros</i> dollar equivalent the Euro is done, and out by at least 0.8 on the dollar where it should have always been.</b>
    #28     Dec 3, 2011
  9. It has dropped below 1.35 twice before in the last 4 years: 2008 and 2010. Each time it rebounded.
    #29     Dec 3, 2011
  10. At this point, it is Drachma.

    You are more idiotic than you let on if you think it has any chance of coming back from monetary stimulus as high as the ECB has printed and is obligated to print.

    I'll come back to this thread when the Euro is at 0.8 and laugh because I really do think I ought to go sell the Euro heavily.

    All right, bhardy, here is the chance to redeem yourself:

    <i>Why is the Euro going down then? What fundamental reason do you think might be the cause of it doing that?</i>

    I will answer respectfully if you know why.
    #30     Dec 3, 2011