
Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by michaelscott, Mar 26, 2007.

  1. If you missed out on the Manhattan good times these last 7 years, then Im sorry to hear that. I have lived in the tri-state for 33 years and each year has been more fun then the next. Always a new person to meet, always a new place to go.

    I dont look down on people because they wear a blue or white shirt. I see everyone in my area as part of my culture, part of my heritage. I grew up here and my family has been here for over 100 years. Why would I dare put down my people? If any of these people in the blue or white shirts were involved in a wreck of any kind, I would be the first one to run into the rubble to save them. You, on the other hand, would probably be wondering if someone else will come help. Maybe you might be wondering what color shirt they are wearing.

    We all choose to party in our own way. While some may consider a good party to be watching a guy playing a violin with cheese being served, my idea of a good time is slightly different.

    As for the image of me sleeping on a couch drunk being unflattering, Im not trying to impress you.

    If you loosen up a bit...open your mind to different people and ideas, then maybe they wouldnt have to install all these defibrillators in public places. We would have one less heart attack victim to deal with...believe me, the way you sound it will come fast one day when you least expect.

    #21     Mar 27, 2007
  2. Wow, I think I made a mistake by assuming your brain is capable of understanding sarcasm. Seems like most of what I said went right over your head. Didn't think the references were that subtle.
    Maybe that's not too surprising considering your initial posts and the choices of people you so desperately aim to hang out with.
    Don't worry, one of your sleepover nights should turn into something special that will result in a new career.
    #22     Mar 27, 2007
  3. No, I dont recognize what you said as "humor" and here is why.

    What you said was patently wrong and demonstrates a certain degree of bigotry. I dont think its funny that you made a joke about "blue collar" people nor do I think its funny that you made a joke about gays.

    Im not gay, but I do know how to make friends. I do know how to make people trust me enough to let me into their apartment.

    If thats strange to you that I made a friend in NYC and they let me into their apartment then that truly shows your socialization skills. I can only wonder how many friends you truly have or what people must really think of yourself.

    The reason why you are poking fun and making unacceptable jokes is because you think Im gay. You thought what I did was gay. That is truly wrong and shows your closed mindedness.

    If the truth be known, it was a gay man that led the assault on that plane against the terrorists. If it wasnt for that gay man, then there would a lot more death and destruction around Washington DC. It was also "blue collar" workers that rushed to the scene at 9/11 while the "white collar" workers ran in fear.

    I respect gay people and I respect "blue collar" workers. I dont think it acceptable to poke fun at a member of anyone of those crowds.

    Go back to your 4 panel monitor and take a dive into your pool of money....and your right, my brain isnt capable of recognizing such humor as funny.

    #23     Mar 27, 2007
  4. I know. That's why I'm still laughing at the fact that you have zero idea about my blue shirt reference and have even managed to somehow turn it into a vulgar and immoral attack on blue collar workers of 9/11. Let alone somehow turn my comment into an attack on gays. Actually, the joke had little to do with homosexuality, in fact, if I believed you were gay, it would not even be funny.

    Our levels of wit & sharpness seem to be too far apart. But hey, I'm actually a nice guy so I will give you some words of encouragement. Keep doing what you're doing, you seem like a perfect fit for the big name investment houses. Those glamourous new friends of yours can always use another sycophant.
    #24     Mar 28, 2007