WTF...mobs now on buses?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. Max E.

    Max E.

    Thats insane.

    I guess there is positives and negatives in both systems, though i hugely favour canadas legal system.

    Canada is much less harsh then the U.S. on drug offenders which is good in my opinon, But also much less harsh on murders, which i think is bad.

    This guy getting to see the free world is almost as bad as when they let Karla Homolka out.

    WTF do you have to do in canada to warrant a life sentence if a guy who sawed someones head off on a bus a couple years ago will get to walk free.
    #21     Jun 8, 2011
  2. Maverick74


    Why? Because I'm concerned about my safety living in the murder capital of the US? Really? See, this is the problem with liberals. Every problem has to fit into some kind of political box in order for you to understand it and then rationalize your views on it. As a trader, I trade what I see. As the old saying in the market goes, you trade the market you have, not the market you want. When I see articles about white kids going around in Chicago in mobs attacking people, believe you me I will post it. Something just occurred to me, you're not a trader. That explains your failure to apply general logic towards things.
    #22     Jun 8, 2011
  3. LEAPup


    No question! A crack head will still attack you if they smell weakness. They may even stab or shoot you. BUT, when groups of sick little bastardos like these go out with the intent to harm people at random, that is some VERY scary stuff!

    These types are psychopath, and/or sociopath feeling NOTHING over hurting others. Very serious problem that sadly, someone is going to need to stop by shooting some of these thugs. Remember the NY subway Bernard Goetz (spelling?) After the guy was screwed with, robbed, etc., he shot the assailants, and was named the NY subway vigilante.

    The odd thing about the whole deal was after he shot some thugs, the subway became pretty safe to travel on...

    I'll feel for the person who has to shoot some of these little thugs as it's a psychological overload that lasts for life. BUT, when someone 5X's some of these thugs in Chicago, I guarantee the shit will slow down, or stop all together.

    And btw, you mentioned the heat in Chicago. I'm on the East Coast, and it's wearing me out too! Plus I'm originally from New Orleans as a kid and 'was' used to the heat then. The heat index here is 101f, and when I called home earlier, I told my Wife to put the dogs inside which I'm sure they'll be appreciate of.:p (I kinda wish I could trade with the dogs for a few days. No bills, no taxes, free food, AND my leather couch when it's this hot.:D )
    #23     Jun 8, 2011
  4. Ricter


    If it's logic you want then calculate the odds you will be attacked in the murder capital.
    #24     Jun 8, 2011
  5. Maverick74


    It's all relative. For example, if I get behind the wheel of a car drunk, the odds of me killing someone or myself or insanely small but higher then if I get behind the wheel of a car sober. So by your logic, based on the odds, I should not worry about driving drunk.
    #25     Jun 8, 2011
  6. Maverick74


    LEAPup, I'm not getting anywhere with these guys. Let me ask you a question. Do you know anyone when you were a cop that was adamantly against guns who after being attacked changed their minds? Did it take an act of violence to get people to let go of their belief system?

    As the old saying use to go, a liberal is someone who has never been mugged.
    #26     Jun 8, 2011
  7. LEAPup


    Yes, More than once...

    They also usually have a major problem with anger after that as well. It's a sad thing.
    #27     Jun 8, 2011
  8. Ricter


    Most folks don't worry about killing themselves when they're driving drunk (they're mostly kids, so they're immortal), and don't think about killing others (the big problem), because risk perception is a funny thing. The big risk, if you are a functional drunk and don't get hammered, is more with a roadside checkstop. I'm also of the opinion that MADD has served a useful purpose, but is now going too far.
    #28     Jun 8, 2011
  9. BSAM


    This is definitely unconstitutional. Just hasn't been "proven" yet.
    #29     Jun 8, 2011
  10. Maverick74


    Right but what I'm saying is that it's not a matter of odds. As a liberal, you probably support all sorts of big government regulations. You know, in order to protect us. Even from things that have a very small chance of happening. Such as our water being poisoned, an aircraft wing that is not up to code, faulty elevators, old food in a restaurant and so on. Even though most of us would not have to worry about these things, you still feel better knowing there is some protection. Sure, I don't go around thinking I'm going to get robbed everyday, but the odds are not zero. They definitely are higher then zero. And even though they are small, it's always a concern. Why do you think families bid up property values in these cushy white suburbs that are nice and safe? Because they "want" to be safe.
    #30     Jun 8, 2011