wtf: Mitt Romney: George W. Bush And Henry Paulson Saved Country From Depression

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. Was Maximum Stupidity reacting to my diatribe? Regardless, below we have some stuff I was able to resurrect.

    Here's the link to Dizard, just a week before Paulson blew up the world economy:

    A Measured View of GSE Preferreds

    Here's the exact quote of Jim Grant's opinion, prior, remember, to the Fannie and Freddie weekend:

    ....and here's the money quote from the press release announcing the bailout of Freddie and Fannie as delivered by Paulson himself:

    I can't find any stories re the preferred sharemarket rout that Monday, but here's one about the consequences to the banks that held the Fannie and Freddie preferreds: Lenders With `Outsized' GSE Stakes May Need Capital (Update4)

    It was a whole chain reaction, where the refusal to bail out the preferred shareholders of Fannie and Freddie shut down that market for any further recaps, and injured, in a few cases fatally, the capital position of a slew of banks that held the Fannie and Freddie preferreds. After that decision and as a direct result of it, the crisis took on a life of its own.

    Dizard post this stupid decision sums it up:

    An ounce of prevention, as Ben Franklin noted a few hundred years ago, is worth a pound of cure.
    #21     Mar 24, 2012