WTF happened to the Republican party?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by plyka, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Sure he does. I've heard him say it. But fool me once (appoint him once) shame on you. Fool me twice (REappoint him) shame on me.

    Right Barack?

    Hope and Change being the mantra, appoint the same person who messed it all up. Then, execute same policies on the economy and when they don't work (again), blame Bush.
    #11     Aug 18, 2011
  2. 377OHMS


    Love how you imply you are smarter than most. Hilarious. :D

    Obama is the biggest bait and switch artist of all time. He said he would end two major wars immedietely. Instead he started a 3rd war. I'm never seen a lie quite so large in my lifetime. Notice how he gets a pass. War is only a problem if it is conducted by republicans. Those same wars are perfectly acceptable if conducted by democrats.

    Guatanamo must be the second largest bait and switch in history. Obama was *adamant* that he would close Gitmo immedietely. Two and a half years later he is still torturing prisoners gleefully at Gitmo after failing to bring them to trial.

    Current unemployment is the third largest bait and switch scam ever perpetrated by a politician. Obama repeatedly said during his campaign that he would put America back to work. He reinforced that promise again and again over the last 2 and one half year but cannot not even reduce unemployment by 1%. In fact unemployment has increased during his failed tenure.

    When these scams are pointed out to dems they begin to foam and fulminate and mutter about George Bush. News Flash: if you run the economy and the wars for almost 3-years you *own* them. Your man is a scam artist and a massive failure. You can't respond to that so you must attack his opponents.

    A-28, you need adult education. I heard ABC Adult School is great for functionally illiterate grown men like yourself. Give it a try. Unfortunately they can only teach you to read, write and cipher, they cannot impart any more common sense than you were born with. Tragic. :)
    #12     Aug 18, 2011
  3. achilles28


    Are you fucking stupid? I named Obama right in my post. Scroll up and read it again, dipshit. And you're calling me illiterate???? LMAO!!
    #13     Aug 18, 2011
  4. 377OHMS


    You have no argument so you've got to calll folks whatever name you can think of. Just another asshole libtard. Grow a brain you silly stupid man.
    #14     Aug 18, 2011
  5. I think you've been drinking. Seriously, Achilles has been posting on here for years and the last thing I'd call him is a liberal.
    #15     Aug 18, 2011
  6. pspr


    Are you kidding? Either Achilles is delusional or liberal. Take your pick.
    #16     Aug 18, 2011
  7. 377OHMS


    In the middle of the day? Is that what you do?

    A-28 is a jackass and a libtard idiot nonetheless.

    Both of you are going on Ignore. Drink that asshole.
    #17     Aug 18, 2011
  8. bone


    Why is Barack Obama three years into his Presidency and he finally decides to unveil a jobs program ?
    #18     Aug 18, 2011
  9. Ricter


    He was listening to people who were telling him the debt is our biggest problem.
    #19     Aug 18, 2011
  10. 377OHMS


    He didn't unveil anything. He threatened congress if they oppose a plan that he won't present for another month and it will likely all be wrapped around a tax increase. These are people that think unemployment benefits and food stamps stimulate the economy as effectively as jobs. The same people that thought that millions of green jobs would be created. Same folks that claim that not fighting a war they are unwilling/unable to end counts as government spending cuts. Exact same people that are debasing our currency and stifling interest rates which effectively sucks the value out of our savings.

    Personally I think there will be a tectonic shift in November 2012. Of course, I didn't believe Obama could win in the first place so my outlook may be a bit optimistic.

    I am reasonably certain however that if Barrack Obama is reelected this country will not recover in our lifetimes.

    I don't believe there is a plan that contains any new ideas, just the same old socialist redistributive class warfare nonsense.
    #20     Aug 18, 2011