WTF Fox News Snubs Ron Paul

Discussion in 'Politics' started by chewbacca, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. Well then you're an idiot because he is actually able to connect the dots behind the political trends & the fiscal system, a topic every other candidate avoids like a plague.

    "Give me the power over a nation's currency and I care not who makes its laws."
    -Amsel Mayer Rothschild

    Let's see if you can wrap your degenerate brain around that statement. Do you even know who Amsel Mayer Rothschild is?
    #11     Jan 7, 2008
  2. Retired


    Ron Paul is unelectable. Don't waste your precious money, time and energy.

    Vote for Obama. He is unstoppable now.
    #12     Jan 7, 2008

  3. you probably black right .i would never vote for alcoholic drug addict junkie .which he admitted himself that in the past he was .
    #13     Jan 7, 2008
    #14     Jan 7, 2008
  5. Well, Bush was an alcoholic drug addict junkie, and he can't even speak properly and was elected twice. Did you vote for him?

    I'm not necessarily for Obama, but at least it doesn't seem like his brain was affected by drugs like Dubya's obviously was.
    #15     Jan 7, 2008
  6. You're wasting your time with Obama. Another corrupt CFR politician, nothing more. A good marketing sell for those upset with current administration but too naive, too trustworthy or just plain too dumb to see through the facade of both parties.
    He is for expanding the federal government, that says it all. His policies will continue driving the nation into bankruptcy. His civil liberties stance is nonsense, he voted for the Patriot Act and did not vote for legislation that would have closed down Guatanamo Bay while making a stance against it. Standard lying slimy politician actions.
    He did vote against Military Commissions act, so that is his selling point. But it is obvious that if he is in office, neither of those fascist acts will be repealed.

    But whatever, assuming he is elected, 2 years later you will be posting complaints about him and how you got screwed by Washington politicians, AGAIN. When will you people learn?
    #16     Jan 7, 2008
  7. He sounds like he supports the Constitution.

    Didn't Bush make that a crime?
    #17     Jan 7, 2008
  8. excellent posts on this thread hydro... good job. we will just agree to disagree on GW.
    #18     Jan 7, 2008
  9. Retired


    Stop smoking whatever you're smoking! Your man Ron Paul has absolutely zero chance of getting anywhere. Nada!

    The guy can't even get into the Fox debate! You might as well root for Lyndon LaRouche. :p

    You know nothing about Obama. Absolutely nothing.

    He is the hottest topic on college campuses right now. This is a revolution in the making!
    #19     Jan 8, 2008
  10. will you denounce any association he has with the criminal orginization CFR?
    #20     Jan 8, 2008