WSJ "Obama's Tax Plan Is Really A Welfare Plan"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ultimaonliner, Aug 19, 2008.

  1. Stripped of all the partisan rhetoric, the facts are pretty clear. Obama is promising an enormous tax hike. He will also turn the tax system into a welfare system by using it to send money to people who don't even pay taxes and call that a tax cut instead of what it is, welfare spending.

    If you feel class warfare and envy is a good basis to bring the country together, obama is your man. His plan reminds me of the joke about four wolves and a sheep deciding to vote on what to have for dinner so that it would be fair.

    McCain has always been focused on the real problem, out of control spending. As president, he would be in a position to insist upon real changes in the way our money is spent. We know from long experience that congress will spend in excess of 100% of whatever revenues the tax system produces. Until we get a handle on that, we will never solve our fiscal woes.
    #11     Aug 20, 2008
  2. saxon


    McCain, like Bush, will always consider money spent on military campaigns of glory and plunder to be "off budget". Obama at least recognizes that such foolish enterprises MUST be paid for.
    #12     Aug 20, 2008
  3. pattersb2

    pattersb2 Guest

    good one, except you failed to mention that the authors work on the Obama campaign.

    OBAMA HAS NO CHANCE ... anyone care to wager?
    #13     Aug 20, 2008
  4. pattersb2

    pattersb2 Guest

    Is there any wonder why the hispanic population is expected to triple in the next 34 years, to a 133 Million?

    Ironically, I hope to move to the carribean to rid myself of the burdon of hispanics. Dare to dream.
    #14     Aug 20, 2008
  5. You probably know this but anyway --
    Another name for trickle down economics is the horse and sparrow theory of economics where what goes into the horse at one end comes out the horses other end for the sparrow.
    #15     Aug 20, 2008
  6. Problem is mccain doesn't want to count the cost of the iraq war that he wants to continue,or the cost of the wars he wants to start in iran,korea or russia in the budget

    mccain has said he will balance the budget,not including war these hundreds of billions of dollars a year magically go away ?its so funny that because mccain chooses not to include war cost in the budget people like you act like he is actually cutting spending.

    Bottom line is the US will spend less under Obama then it will mccain

    Obama says upfront he is going tax those that make over 250,000 a year to pay for his projects

    McCain's projects will be continuing the iraq war and trying to start new ones,but he is going to put the cost on The USA credit card to build interest for our great ,great,great grandchildren to pay.thats if mccain doesn't start WWIII that destroys the country

    BTW,Today Mccain let it slip that he wants to re start the draft

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    #16     Aug 20, 2008
  7. Mercor


    The 1st priority of the federal government is national defense. One can argue where we need to defend, but once that is decided defense spending should come first, then whets left goes to all the other redundant and wasteful pork.

    Does Obama believe the upper 2% of earners are just willingly pay additional taxes.
    Obama says people making 3 million a year will pay 750k more under his tax program.
    People with earnings like that have control over their salaries.
    They know with Obama's tax graft program they will have to defer income.
    #17     Aug 21, 2008
  8. saxon


    You wanna wager? Be my guest...

    You can buy John McCain futures for 38.9.

    Barack "NO CHANCE" Obama is a bit more expensive, at 59.2.

    #18     Aug 21, 2008
  9. I agree The 1st priority of the federal government is national defense,but the key word is defense,as in to defend a attack

    Iraq did not attack The US,Iran will not attack The US.

    Under Mccain Tax dollars will fund death,destruction,war and the Haliburtens of the world

    Under Obama tax dollars will go to help the poor and uninsured of this country

    I'd rather help the poor and not leave my grand kids billions of dollars of debt
    #19     Aug 21, 2008
  10. Mercor


    We have been at war with Iraq since 1991 when the congress voted.

    The idea that Federal "tax" dollars help the poor and uninsured is not sound. If taxes are to be used for that purpose it should only be on the local level.

    By the time a dollar of taxes goes through Washington and back to the community much of it has been spent.
    #20     Aug 21, 2008