wow, is this even legitmate?!?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by itcanbedone, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. really? you need to ask someone if this is legit?
  2. no, i mean, why would learning annex allow hoaxes?
  3. Oh shit, I'm gonna go sign-up for that course right now!:p
  4. lol their front page is full of them.
  5. 9999


    Of course it's legit.
    If you go to my website you'll find my latest course: "How to turn 100 bucks in a mil in 2 weeks & Date 3 Penthouse models at the same time".
    Operators are standing by.
  6. clacy


    You forgot to give the phone number. I'm waiting by the phone with my credit card.

  7. HEY !!!!

    I just want the ET Community to know that 9999's course is pretty much bullshit.

    First, it took 4 weeks for my $100 to turn into a mil. Not the two weeks claimed by him.

    Second, he offers NO money laundering tips. NONE.

    So - in addition to waiting those two extra weeks, I gotta pay tax on this shit.

    Gee, thanks a lot.

    Oh yeah, the Penthouse models. I followed his directions and was soon dating 3 Penthouse models. All three put out. They were all young and in their prime.

    But only one would let me spank her.

    That's bullshit.

    We are talking Penthouse models here, not Playboy.

    Anyway, I would avoid 9999's course at all costs.

    It is not as advertised.

    Too much hype ...
  8. At least he didn't give you a bloody nose in Central Park while you taped an incriminating conversation with him..
  9. if i can turn $2000 into 100k, why dont i put my life savings into it!!!

    kind of reminds me the post on ET of people trying to turn 100k into 1 million before year end
    #10     Apr 21, 2008