Wow! Another racial fight.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Apr 22, 2011.

  1. Savant


    I don't know why. I'm sure there are lots of competing theories out there. I can't proclaim with any certainty which is correct. I just know that we DO see it, at significantly higher rates of the inverse. That being the case, why is of secondary importance.

    #31     Apr 22, 2011
  2. Damnit! Will you stop making reasonable arguments and just let the racists make their point!!!


    #32     Apr 22, 2011
  3. Savant


    Yes, this concept comes straight out of fascist economics. A fascist economist authored the original "equality theories". Corrado Gini, who created the "Gini coefficient", was an Italian Economist and policy maker under fascist Italy. The notion that all people are supposed to be "equal" and identical, indistinguishable is the very foundation of fascist thinking.

    #33     Apr 22, 2011
  4. So you have no idea what causes what we see...

    #34     Apr 22, 2011
  5. Mnphats


    Sadly, probably at least partially true. But for all those people to sit and do nothing and even goes so far to tell them to leave the cops are coming is unfathomable.
    #35     Apr 22, 2011
  6. Hello


    Thats precisely what i was thinking, WTF is wrong with people when they stand there and watch that go down, and the only person with the balls to do anything is a 75 year old woman. That kind of shit makes me sick. Its not even as if the people couldnt stop it, it was three chicks, and there was guys working there. Maybe if the cowards stood by when it was a bunch of gangbangers doing this they might have an excuse, but there were males working in the restaraunt, and they did nothing while 2 girls damn near killed another one.

    #36     Apr 22, 2011
  7. Reality TV has blurred the lines. Youtube. Cell phones video of everything, sensationalism of news. Drudge report making the video their top story...the top story? That is the most important story on Good Friday, with oil the price it is, the budget problems, etc?

    It is called desensitization...coupled with sensationalism for ratings.

    How many times to we see news anchors warning people that what they are about to see might be disturbing? Oh, it might be disturbing, I had better watch, so after I watch it I can feel disturbed, and then complain about it.

    It is all methods of distraction away from the important problems that are not being addressed in America.

    The "man behind the curtain" pulling the strings to keep the masses distracted away from the real causes, i.e. poverty, ignorance, inequality of representation by government, etc.

    #37     Apr 22, 2011
  8. Hello


    You realise that the places you pointed to are places where the culture is predominantly 1 race right? Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and finland are all white, and Japan is predominantly asians. All the countries in the middle are melting pots. People tend to trust their own race. I would wager a guess that it has very little to do with income. Aside from the fact that "melting pots" tend to see differences in income accoording to race.

    Look at the bottom too, UTAH Wisconsin, New Hampshire mostly white, LA, NY, Texas, Alabama,all have a big mix of race.

    #38     Apr 22, 2011
  9. Mnphats


    I will go along with that. Now have we as a society gone so far we are unwilling/unable to help somebody clearly in need of it right in front of their faces?

    Nobody even helped her when she was convulsing on the floor. Disturbing.
    #39     Apr 22, 2011
  10. Savant


    No, I don't proclaim to know why. It's purely a theoretical issue, not a practical one. The practical issue is what actually IS happening, and there isn't much dispute about that. So, the practical issue becomes how to prevent being a victim of the widespread racial violence against white people. Hypothesizing as to why it happens is less important than actually avoiding those outcomes.

    If there were two groups of Jews in Nazi Germany- One group sat around trying to figure out why Nazis wanted to kill Jews, and why the rules were set up to favor non Jews, and group 2 spent their effort figuring out how to get out of Nazi territory, which group do you think had the better outcome? Group 2 had the rest of their lives to speculate and hypothesize about why Nazis wanted to kill Jews.

    #40     Apr 22, 2011