Wow, 99er's get extension ?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by hippie, Dec 6, 2010.

  1. S2007S


    Wait a second, if the economy is so "GREAT" and everyone is talking up the economy and stock market then why the fuck is the u.s. spending tens of billions of dollars for unemployment benefits and extending the tax cuts.

    Oh that's right, the economy is being propped up by Bubble ben bernanke.
    #31     Dec 10, 2010
  2. If you're self employed you can pay in and collect when you become unemployed.

    In my instance I used a payroll/leasing service and had it deducted, I should have paid myself more for payroll purposes, I could have collected a higher benefit, but the administrative costs were higher.
    #32     Dec 10, 2010
  3. jprad


    Uh, no...

    It's called vote mongering.
    #33     Dec 10, 2010
  4. November deficit highest on record. Extending benefits indefinitely is bad. What is worse is the hundreds billions of bailout & give away to big banks and big business. Government bailed out the big guys with tax money, small business and little people trampled even more under the weight Bernanke Quantitative Easing printing press and big banks with government support.
    #34     Dec 11, 2010
  5. You are assuming that every freelancer knows the every details of the workaround for the crazy laws. Most of my friends who were also IT contractors simply have 6 months living expense or more set side in case of prolonged down time. 6 months is about the amount of regular unemployment benefits.

    Fed used tax money to extend unemployment benefits way beyond what the insurance covers per payroll reduction. This extra federal aid available to the once self-employed.

    Some jobs are never going to come back, even if the workers are willing to work half of their old pay. These jobs are gone for good or need a lot fewer workers.
    #35     Dec 11, 2010
  6. dcvtss


    It's essentially a double down bet on consumer spending, cut payroll and other taxes and hope people spend the savings at the mall. But with the personal debt load already so high I don't see how it goes to anything but paying off debt and to me overspending is what got us in this mess and there is no way it gets us out. It's insanity.
    #36     Dec 11, 2010
  7. Talk about obstacles to work: Here in California, even a security guard job paying min wage requires a few hundred dollars in training and permit fees. Ridiculous.
    #37     Dec 11, 2010
  8. theycan't accout for smthg like a BILLLION dollars lost over in irq...has no clue where it went but suspects corruption, fraud and graft. but nunya give a shit about that..your outraged over OUR OWN getting a few bucks feed themselves and their kids HERE ..sick
    #38     Dec 11, 2010
  9. American government charity doesn't begin at home. Billions are used to buy influence overseas. There is no help for the desperate here - unless you fit neatly into some special categories of the red tape.

    And when a person become homeless, the city forbids them from sleeping in their cars, and In San Francisco, no lying down or sitting on side walks.
    #39     Dec 11, 2010

    that's ok. who cares? but don't spend a dime HERE feeding our own. let em starve! dumb azzes
    #40     Dec 11, 2010