Wouldnt be suprised if they call Facebook, "Wastebook" after this IPO

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by J-Law, May 18, 2012.

  1. J-Law


    Give it some time, a few days or weeks. LNKD has earnings and once the street has

    1) Confirmation that their model lacks revenue & earnings.
    2) A 2nd market vehicle to trade ie the common shares.

    They will line up to short this issue.

    I could be wrong. But, I think the probabilities point down.

    PS Henry Blodget is on a CNBC panel this am. Just gives me that NASDAQ 2000 creepy feeling again.
  2. KastyG


    Facebook = 500 million ACTIVE users :eek:
  3. TheFinn


    and they get a whole $4 per user
  4. KastyG


    CNBC just said $5 per user
  5. Quote from eIBD:
    The long-awaited Facebook (FB) IPO finally arrived. Shares of the social-networking company, priced at 38, stormed out of the gate and traded as high as 45. But the stock ceded that 18% gain from its issuing price and closed at 38.15. Volume was a staggering 566 million shares.
  6. What's that dash on 05/17 at 38?
    Who bought it at 45? Must feel kinda dumb right now....
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