,,Worthy" of my edge?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Nobert, Mar 30, 2019.

  1. krugman25

    krugman25 Guest

    I think you are conflating the idea of being helpful and charitable to people in trouble and feeling obligated to teach someone because you have reached some certain pinnacle of success. For all I know, Seinfeld is charitable and helpful, but at the same time he feels no compulsion or obligation to teach others what he has learned.

    At the end of the day, to each their own.
    #21     Mar 31, 2019
  2. Handle123


    I detest physically manually scalping but do it at least 3 days a week as so easy to start losing nuances/memory. It was main reason I went to automation, never enjoyed sitting watching ticks, I thoroughly enjoy studying and testing ideas, luv being able to reduce drawdowns tenths of a point.

    LOL, I thought trading Futures was going to be as easy as stocks in 80's, I wanted to increase my retirement accounts reason I started, very tough 7 year journey of dozens of emotional break downs, till then had skated through whatever I wanted. If you want to do automation you have to be very intelligent but manual trading works against your intelligence as trading not logical.

    You have to have passion for life, family and people you don't know, have side business so to lighten the stress this way work on Trading Plan and profits is secondary. Get that drawdown lower so you can increase size. Imho
    #22     Mar 31, 2019
    qlai likes this.
  3. krugman25

    krugman25 Guest

    There are a lot of people whose goal in life is to do the thing they love but not to teach the thing they love. Are you saying every person who becomes successful should automatically feel obligated to teach it, or else they should recieve no respect? There are a lot of successful people in this world that have no desire to teach that would take offense to that.
    #23     Mar 31, 2019
    Nobert likes this.
  4. qlai


    Nah, I was trying to get cute with words. I understand everyone is different and it has to be genuine or not at all. I just have lots of respect for people who are "paying it forward" any way they can.
    #24     Mar 31, 2019
    CSEtrader, Nobert and krugman25 like this.
  5. themickey


    I've tried to, too hard!
    Other people are on different wave lengths entirely, maybe a child you could teach but adults - Nah!
    And it's same here, basically I have zero interest in how others trade, zero interest in others charts and their interpretations.
    As an example, Fibonacci method, it may have some logic to it in trading, possibly it will work but I am not even going to entertain the thought because my methods work for me, digressing will just stuff things up.
    No point going back to square one. No point starting again at the bottom of the ladder.

    In my attempts at educating others, usually end up in disagreements with both parties, trading really is a 'one man band', 'pick yourself up by your bootstaps' exercise.
    #25     Mar 31, 2019
    tenny1886, Nobert and krugman25 like this.
  6. MrMuppet


    Love to trade is not what it is. Also I don't see motivation towards and away from as a primary dynamic, because it's too straining. "Fun" is also not what trading should be and it's definitely not a JOB.

    "You do what you do best" is probably closest to the truth, at some point it becomes a routine and you live inside that routine. It's a closed bubble you spend your time in, you surround yourself with nothing else but trading related stuff.

    I don't have an alarm clock, I have a price alert, I work from around 11am till 2am every day, also Saturday and Sunday since I added cryptos to my portfolio. But to me it's not like going to the mines everyday, although it has been before I automated execution. It's not an activity I need a vacation from, I'm not stressed out.

    I create my life around the markets, I see friends for breakfast or when I take a day off. I only go on vacation when I want to do something else, otherwise I live in my bubble.
    I don't "love" to trade. I trade because that's the activity I can do best, so I continue to improve my skills here.

    I have the most stress when I deal with software developers who do the coding for me, being dependend on people, explaining stuff that's obvious (to me), bug fixing, budgets,milestones, schedules, timelines...nerve wrecking. I'd rather just sit there, watch the markets and wait for a trade.

    I have to admit though that I'm beyond the point were I knew that I could do it. Before that, it was pure torture. But it was more the doubts that I'm probably wasting my time, that I'm not good enough, everybody else was right about the lie that is the financial markets. After I had my fair share of success, I calmed down substantially.

    I do not think that anybody who is about to enter the arena has an idea what's waiting inside. It's a journey that never ends and you have to committ 100%....and it's different for everyone.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2019
    #26     Mar 31, 2019
  7. CSEtrader


    Thank you for this thread and looking forward to hear from you in May, after meeting.
    And as Mr. Muppet beautifully said here above, trading us a journey, trading is a Call , life changing.
    #27     Mar 31, 2019
    Nobert likes this.
  8. themickey


    Trading is God Almighty incarnate, nirvanah, heavenly divine, bliss,so magical that I could sleep with a Tooth Fairy right this minute.
    #28     Mar 31, 2019
  9. birdman


    You can't swim other peoples races for them.

    That said, I've always admired the ones who care enough to try. I'm not of the camp that believes unsolicited advice is abuse. Me thinks ... to be you, you will have to try and help. 99 times out of 100 ... they know better, or at least have to go another route.
    #29     Mar 31, 2019
    CSEtrader and Nobert like this.
  10. MarkBrown


    i published a edge or two - they blew up under load - shook off everyone came back - blew up under load - you have about 1 -2 year cycles. when the edge is first exposed it will ride higher for 3-6 months then starts that cycle.
    #30     Apr 6, 2019
    Nobert likes this.