Worth Considering I Think

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by NUTSNEAL, Feb 11, 2004.

  1. I am going to post four emails I received from BigTrends.com
    this morning. I have just started receiving this part of their service. So far I am very impressed!! I am not associated with them in any way except so far as a HAPPY subscriber.

    I have had many services which hedge all their statements and talk out of both sides of their mouth.

    I actually received these emails within about one minute of the times shown on their alerts.

    Notice the head up about a potential upcoming trade in the first email.

    I will make three additional posts for the other emails.
  2. Email #2
  3. Email #3
  4. Email #4

    I have been very impressed at how clearly they state their case.

    Curious if anyone else subscribes to their services?

    This may be a prime example of "You get what you pay for"!!!!