WORST Political Leaders In History... NObama Will Be On The List!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by gnome, Dec 22, 2008.

  1. Which terrorists?

    You mean the 16 ( out of 19 ) SAUDI NATIONALS that attacked the World Trade Centers on 911? - - - Is that why we invaded Saudi Arabia? Dumbya must have had a different geography class than the rest of us.
    #21     Dec 23, 2008
  2. gnome


    OK... here it is... my arguments against NObama...


    Before I get into the reasons for my concern about Nobama, here’s where I’m coming from…

    1. I have a degree in biology and am a forensically trained chemist.. I tutored chemistry lab while in college.
    2. I graduated Summa Cum Laude and am in the Collegiate Who’s Who.

    So, whatever you think of my views, I ain’t no dummy! I’ve been trained in the sciences to be logical and to exercise reasoning by deduction. (The great thing about chemistry is that it ALWAYS adds up. Once you understand the players and the processes, EVERYTHING adds up and ties together with a logical explanation and understanding. And whenever “things don’t add up”, or when there are “loose ends”, further inspection is required.)

    This business about Nobama’s birth certificate is definitely a “loose end” and VERY serious….

    1. Apparently, his birth certificate issue has come up before. Recalling from memory, Senator Alan Cranston challenged his eligibility some 4 years ago and birth certificate proof was never provided.

    2. Besides the fact Nobama’s birth eligibility to be POTUS has been dragged through the courts recently, satisfactory proof STILL has not been provided …logically if it had been, the pending lawsuits would have been withdrawn. So far, THEY HAVE NOT… therefore no satisfactory proof has EVER been provided. (Face it. If you or I were called upon to produce a “satisfactory birth certificate”, we could do so quickly. Nobama has not and has spent allegedly more than $1 Million in legal fees to avoid producing proof. Why is that?... Shouldn’t we be alerted about something?)

    3. Nobama KNOWS his true birth certificate will show him to be ineligible.. THAT’S WHY HE’S NEVER PROVIDED IT!!

    4. Nobama KNOWS he can get away with “stalling” and “not complying” with a lower court’s requirement to produce the document. How does he know this? Because he KNOWS that if push comes to shove and the case is appealed to the Supreme Court Of The United States (SCOTUS), they will “look the other way” and not hear the case. HOW DOES HE KNOW THIS?? WHO HAS GIVEN HIM SUCH ASSURANCE?

    5. Therefore… IT HAS BEEN KNOWN ALL ALONG THAT HE IS CONSTITUTIONALLY DIS-QUALIFIED to be POTUS… but a lot of money was spent and a huge effort was made to put him into this position anyway… and it all COULD have been derailed if the SCOTUS heard the case and required him to produce evidence of eligibility…. But “they” knew that wouldn’t happen because they have the SCOTUS “in their pocket”…


    1. Who are “they” who have enough juice that they can promote Nobama… knowing he is constitutionally not qualified… but also knowing they can “get away with it” because a challenge to the highest court in the land will have the SCOTUS “looking the other way”?

    2. Why him? Why Nobama? Is it because he’s black? Is he really a Muslim? A Marxist? "They" could have promoted somebody else, you know... someone without this birth certificate issue. But they didn't. They went to a great effort to make sure the birth certificate issue would go unchallenged... because NObama is their man... Why is that?

    3. Why NOW?

    4. Was Bush’s being such a SHIT intentional?... so that the backlash from his policies would help Nobama get elected? After all, many Americans perceive themselves to be in dire straits. During such times, people are more easily manipulated when someone from the Gummint offers a “solution”… but that solution always has a steep cost!

    5. Do you really believe that those with enough power to have the SCOTUS in their pocket…. would promote a candidate they KNOW is unconstitutionally qualified so that he can “make the USA a better place for all”? NO SIR! Anyone with that kind of juice HAS AN AGENDA!!! And that agenda does NOT include a better life for YOU AND ME!

    Perhaps I’m all wet. But until this birth eligibility issue is finally cleared up (which I presume it will never be), I will always consider Nobama to be a LIAR, A FRAUD, AND PERHAPS EVIL INCARNATE! A PUPPET FOR UNKNOWN “STRING PULLERS” WHO INTEND TO EXERCISE SOME INFLUENCE OVER THE US… AND NOT TO THE BENEFIT OF OUR CITIZENRY!

    If you are a Nobamabot, then you are oblivious to this risk.

    The adoration and support of Nobama is nothing short of delusion and insanity…. I suggest you think about these questions and what the answers might mean.
    #22     Dec 23, 2008

    1. I have a degree in biology and am a forensically trained chemist.. I tutored chemistry lab while in college.
    2. I graduated Summa Cum Laude and am in the Collegiate Who’s Who.

    Oh my yes, you do sound well educated and quite stable, sound and balanced in your thinking...


    #23     Dec 23, 2008
  4. gnome


    Well, if you can muster a rational and logical thought, let's hear it.
    #24     Dec 23, 2008
  5. I am not disagreeing with how fucked up all this looks...but he still hasn't done anything wrong yet.

    We have a lot of people running wild right now actually doing things that need to be dealt with before we should be spending time thinking about what one of these politicians MIGHT do.
    #25     Dec 23, 2008
  6. gnome


    You don't get it. It's not even the point. He's ineligible to be in power... and somebody has gone to a great deal of trouble to make sure that fact is not revealed. Why is that??
    #26     Dec 23, 2008
  7. I do get it.

    I wonder the same things myself.

    I am a patriot and a Ron Paul supporter.

    I think this is a huge clusterfuck scam and there is no telling the magnitude this may end up reaching.

    I never said it was okay that he hasn't shown proof of his eligibility in the form of his U.S. Birth Certificate.

    I am paranoid as hell over this whole thing. That one thing in and of itself is a huge red flag....but then he immediately contradicted everything he campaigned for as far as domestic employment, etc by selecting the people he did for his cabinet (huge NAFTA supporters, illegal immigrant sympathizers, etc). That to me is his first act of lying in office.

    I think there will be many more to come, but I can't sit here and say that as if it's already happened.

    Another thing to keep in mind...we need to pay more attention to figuring out WHO is pulling the strings, not blaming the president. That is the game, we get pissed at the president for fucking up, but never stop to think who is running the show. We get mad at a president, then we "vote" another one in (of course OUR votes don't really matter anyway)...that way we all shut the fuck up for another year or two while the agenda is furthered some more. Rinse and repeat.

    If W was a puppet, then so is Barack. He would be no more than a pawn in this game of fucking the USA.
    #27     Dec 23, 2008
  8. You must never have heard Obama speak. He is always careful not to exaggerate expectations and cites the fact that this crisis will take time to remedy. His approach is measured and composed. His appointments to his cabinet are as good as it gets and so is he. If you have a problem with him then its you who has the problem. Pol Pot :( :p
    #28     Dec 23, 2008
  9. ha ha ha and I guess the fact he appointed people with STAUNCH views that are the polar opposite of what he promised he would pursue for American workers is no big deal?

    Ha ha You crack me up. You are totally brainwashed...

    Okay, so let's try this:

    Say Obama is the best thing since sliced bread, even so, do you think he should still be able to prove he is at least legally eligible for the presidency? Would you agree that he should at least follow the law, or is he that awesome to where we can just make an exception for him?

    So do you or do you not agree that any American President should have to provide proof that they are eligible for the job of POTUS?

    I don't know about you but when I went to get my passport I had to show my birth certificate, SSN card, all kinds of stuff. I figure the president should at least prove he is legal as well.

    But hey, that's just my opinion I'm not really big on double standards. Apparently everyone thinks it's okay to violate the Constitution. It's not like it's difficult to get your U.S. birth certificate anyway...assuming you have one of course...
    #29     Dec 23, 2008
  10. Lucrum


    #30     Dec 23, 2008