Worldco in California

Discussion in 'Prop Firms' started by 2xWorldChampion, Aug 12, 2002.

  1. I've sent a letter and called and left messages at Worldco. No answer? Is that normal? I read Hitman's thread saying that everyone should call Worldco before choosing a prop.... well so much for that.

    My question is, does anyone know how I can contact a Worldco team leader in California, specifically San Francisco, so that I can interview for a backed trader position.

    I like the idea of being under a team leader, who has a personal interest in seeing me succeed. Right now I only have accomodations to live in Cali, otherwise I'd go over to New York.

    Anyhow, please share your contacts here, or pm me.

    thanks so much for your help!
  2. Call Worldco office in NYC - 212-601-6000 or 7000 and ask themt o give you the SF nuber...Obviously, tell them your'e interested in trading there , etc etc etc. The guy in charge of SF used to be guy named Long Phan but not sure who it is now.