World Record day

Discussion in 'Trading' started by traderich, Feb 7, 2007.

  1. clacy


    For crying out loud. I don't take the OP to be bragging. He is obviously pumped up about a good day. Believe me, I can't stand bragging and would not defend him if I thought that was what he was doing.

    I don't see where he has said that he is the greatest trader ever, or made any bold claims of his abilities. He is just excited.

    And he should be. We all know that there are plenty of days where you feel like throwing up after you've gotten you ass handed to you.
    #31     Feb 8, 2007
  2. I just made a kajillion dollars. I win :)
    #32     Feb 8, 2007
  3. I made $7,000 in 3 weeks risking only $40,000 just by reading The Barrons Game! APOL! ~ stoney
    #33     Feb 8, 2007
  4. Ricter


    Just "sold" SLNK. Going nowhere and want to miss the final hour sell off.

    Only+0.077% to capital today. Still, if I had been in for $50k I would have banked $385 (less commissions).
    #34     Feb 8, 2007
  5. ADUX


    :D 9770 usd on demo cable short :p
    #35     Feb 8, 2007
  6. ADUX,

    Demo cable? you talking about BGC today?

    It looked good today. I played it so bad though. I got in @ 46.70 and 46.84 but did not hold on to make nearly as much as I should have.

    It came in 7th on my list, so I was just screwing around with it today. Wish it was 6th, I'd have made some nice cha ching!

    Always tomorrow!

    p.s. first down day in 8. Down $264 today.
    #36     Feb 8, 2007
  7. Well,

    Just so you know I can take it as well as give it, I got whacked today!

    Lost about $3000. MTD, PRM, and MWY sucked today! total duds!!

    Oh well, gotta take the lumps some days!

    Have a good weekend traders.

    #37     Feb 9, 2007

  8. Someone already started that thread!
    #38     Feb 9, 2007
  9. I'm glad you're not taking the loss so seriously and posting it like a real trader. I really want to try this strategy but this is the type of day which I am afraid of. The day I decide to try it, it won't work and I'll get killed. I can't afford to lose and I have to make income every day. This is the type of mentality which is keeping out of the big bucks club. Also, I have been beaten to ruins in the past by following systems strictly. When I test it, everything is fine, but when I do it with real money, things just never worked out for me. That is why I consider myself a very unlucky person. Maybe when I have some serious capital built up from scalping, then I can try it for real.
    #39     Feb 10, 2007
  10. Yes, you are right Scalper that this is the reason my strategy is not for everyone. In fact, I doubt that even a handful of folks would try it and stick it out for 15 days, even though I could show them 6 months of daily results with very nice gains.

    I have often times said this sucks and traded on my gut. I have made money trading on my gut, but I also got absolutely 'annilated' (sp?) with one stock (MLS). I had bought it trying for the gap down and bounce, and of course it never did, and thinking I was some kind of trading god, kept adding to my position, and the worst thing I did, was not close it out at the end of the day and take the $2500 loss. NO, I kept the 5000 shares long open over night, and of course, you guessed it, MLS gapped down over $2 the next day! and I added another 5000 shares, to no avail as it kept dropping. Then, after it dropped $2 more, I cut the long and went short. It dropped another buck, but then proceeded to go back to where I had originally bought it.
    Now losing even more on the short as it went back up! lmao.

    So, long story short, I totally focked up one stock royally. Lost $60k on one stock in 2 months time. So, yes, I have blown a ton of money trying to be the know it all on a stock trade.

    I like my strategy I am using now because If I try and guess I get a few right, but sure enough, I tend to get stubborn when I am wrong, and turn one bad pick into a big big mistake!

    #40     Feb 10, 2007