World people consume 7.6 billion Tons food every year

Discussion in 'Economics' started by bearice, Feb 24, 2011.

  1. The price of food is at the heart of this wave of revolutions

    Twenty years ago, things were more manageable. When grain production collapsed in the Soviet Union during the 1980s and what had been one of the world's greatest grain exporters became a net importer, the resulting surges of anger brought down the whole Communist system within a couple of years – but stopped there. Today there are no such firebreaks, and thanks to digital communications, events happen much faster.

    For the poor of the Middle East, the price shocks at the start of this year were like experiencing a second killer earthquake in three years – but unlike with an earthquake, there was someone you could blame. So angry were the food price protesters in Tunisia that, after Mohamed Bouazizi set fire to himself, President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali declared a state of emergency and promised to reduce the price of food. But it was too little, too late: by mid-January he was gone.

    In these poor countries, food purchases can consume 70 per cent of income. The result, when prices of flour and grains shoot up by 30 per cent, is extreme distress – the sort of distress that sends people out into the streets in fury.

    Tunisia's turmoil, warned The Washington Post as the toppled president flew off into exile, "has economists worried that we may be seeing the beginning of a second wave of global food riots". As we know now, it turned out somewhat differently. Food riots in 2008, revolutions in 2011 – what, where, who is next?
    #31     Mar 1, 2011
  2. I think so. Because, food is one of the essential goods and one of the basic necessities of humans. Some people, eat more than thrice a day. Even though the price of food will increase, they have no choice, because it is one of their source of living. Let's assume that, rich people, eat tons of breakfast, lunch, dessert, dinner. And, they may even have some midnight snacks, or so on. Imagine, if people don't eat. Imagine, if people only eats once a day, maybe some will not be able to survive, or I mean, some will become malnourished. Some less fortunate people may experience that because they lack money. Rich are able to buy anything they want for food, but the less fortunate don't. Once we sum up the number of foods the world people eat, it's not only, thousands, millions, or billions. It's a good thing that there are surplus number of foods.
    #32     Mar 1, 2011
  3. Post from FightTheFuture:

    Field corn has 2400 calories per pound. 58 lbs per bushel = 139,200 cal per bushel. 2000 cal per day required per person.

    1 bushel feeds one person for 70 days. need 5.2 bushels per year per person

    USDA estimates for the marketing year of 2010-2011, 4.9 billion bushels of corn will be used for ethanol production

    4.9 billion/5.2 = 942,307,692 people

    Yep, There is enough corn being burned in the US to feed 1 Billion people every year.

    Only 2 billion bushels of corn are being exported, and 5 billion being burned.

    And burning ethanol is for what exactly? For each gallon of ethanol produced, one gallon of petroleum is consumed for distillation, transport, fertilizer, etc.


    Worldwide oil production for year 2010 was 30 billions of barrels.

    Some 7 billion tonnes of coal is produced worldwide per year which is equal to weight of 14,000 world trade center buildings (9/11).
    #33     Mar 5, 2011
  4. Search in google for "european sex videos" and similar words and you will understand why "human beings are breeding like rats". Everything comes to an end one day.

    The Bible do not lie, is the word of God. This world should give rise to the kingdom of Christ, the “cleaning” is painful, but Jesus will restore everything. Who want to go with Him? Repent and join to Christ that you will have living with the eternal God, righteous and loving, the Lord of all the law of life, of love and peace, the true Light.

    Swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, -they break out; and blood toucheth blood. For this shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowl of the heavens, yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away." (Hosea, 4:1-3)

    Ash is rich with nutrients and helps in better growth of the forest. To provide ash to the forest, rotten and fallen woods and some good trees have to be burned. There cannot be ash without a fire and fire does not distinguish between anything and anybody.
    #34     Mar 5, 2011
  5. Maybe you are a virgin and unaware of this but many people have sex for the pleasure of it and NOT for any breeding purposes.

    #35     Mar 5, 2011
  6. d08


    Oh, you're a nutcase - thanks for being so honest about that.
    For your information, human beings are also animals. I know this is the word of satan but I'll bring it up anyway - evolution - we are formed to make money which is one way to get a mate and produce offspring. Deep down, there is no difference between human beings and rats - the differences are all in your imagination. I know I just ruined your grandiose view of human kind.

    FYI: European population is declining if you don't count in immigrants. This makes what you just said even funnier for me.
    #36     Mar 5, 2011
  7. Posted by member:

    America consumes 58 Billion burgers every year. America consumes 37 kilos of meat per person 3 times the average person does in asia and 6 times that of africa. If every country on earth consumes as much as america, we would need about 12 Earths to sustain the world's population.
    #37     Apr 2, 2011
  8. You could feed an entire other 7 billion people planet with the food that gets trown away in the western world.
    #38     Apr 3, 2011
  9. What I dont understand is how come I buy 1 bag of groceries but somehow get 2 bags of garbage out of it? :p
    #39     Apr 3, 2011
  10. World inflation will reduce/fall to great extent.

    Just shoot dead all the world pornography people. Earth cannot support 8 billion people.

    Throw/feed these uselss people to crocodiles and sharks. Millions of prey animals will be saved since predators will be well fed.
    #40     Apr 7, 2011