Workers’ share of national income plummets to record low

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AK Forty Seven, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. Yannis



    Capital movement is like our breath - if it's not allowed to move out then it's not going to move back in and you die an agonizing financial death... that's basic economics as practiced throughout the world by all the serious democracies out there.

    Scott Walker imo is a real patriot, a very smart and brave governor who's working hard to get his state out of the road to bankruptsy - but, of course he's opposed by those whose "privileges" he's curtailing. Very old story, it always happens this way. I hope he sticks to it and gets it done, and at the end the good folks of Wisconsin will thank him. Ohio, New Jersey, Virginia etc etc are following.

    You may disagree, alright, that's fine, go vote for the other guys, np here. But throwing expletives and insults around weakens your argument and doesn't help the exchange of perspectives on this forum.
    #21     Jun 19, 2011