Workers’ share of national income plummets to record low

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AK Forty Seven, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. Arnie


    LOL Good one :D
    #11     Jun 16, 2011
  2. Notice the precipitous drop in incomes since Obama was elected to correct this.
    #12     Jun 16, 2011
  3. No surprise since most of Obama's policies are republican policies
    #13     Jun 16, 2011
  4. Nooooone is dumber that you . Trust me.
    #14     Jun 16, 2011
  5. Yannis


    This original chart that shows the decline of workers' share of national income is highly correlated with other national dynamics, like drop in math/science scores, deterioration of the American family structure on average, and unrealistic sense of entitlement felt by, primarily, our unionized workers, a la the Detroit/auto industry model, and spilling over to other segments of society, Government workers, et al.

    You take too much of someone's pay for taxes, (s)he's busy trying to avoid that, eg, exporting jobs to China, setting up corporations in the Caymans, etc etc. Who loses in the end? The ones who's song is: give me, give me, give me... make me safe, happy and comfortable. Who among us doesn't try to teach our children not to fall into that mold?

    What to do about it? I envision a two-prong approach:

    1. Give real incentives to those who can create jobs to do so, bring the word "rich" back into positive territory.

    2. Tell the "folks" that they are in competition with the world, we all are, and that means that they have to be the best workers around or else their jobs, what's left of them, is leaving the country ASAP. Responding to competitive pressures with strikes and politically induced Government action, like with Boeing in North Carolina, is not going to cut it, they'll lose this fight big. Plaster pictures of Detroit's old neighborhoods in every factory - do they want to go there?

    I don't know how many of you guys trade full time, like I do, and if you've recently been audited, like I was 3 years ago. A good day/swing trader has a topline number (say, value of stocks held, even for a minute) near $100,000,000, and sometimes well above that. Which means that we represent that class of entrepreneurs who run 9 digit businesses out of our dens, with no employees for the most part. Our profitability is not important for this argument, the topline number is, that's how the IRS sees us, and that's the question they asked me in passing... how come I wasn't employing others?

    What happened here? Technology allowed smart people like us to create and run businesses, that a few years ago would be considered gigantic, with few or no employees. Who needs the headache, paperwork, regulations, etc etc? We pay a lot of money in taxes, but they make it difficult for us to even create IRAs, etc.

    You can't keep good people down, not for long. Many of us are smarter than those politicians who sell the entitlement dream to those who don't want to (or can't) make the effort, and we turn the tables on them every chance we get.

    There's a town in PA, called Hersheys, we stop there every time we bring friends from NJ to visit the beautiful PA Dutch Country. Hersheys of course is the home of the famous chocolate bars, kisses, etc. Only, most of that is not produced there any more but in SE Asia. Nice town, rich history, strong and proud union, no jobs... Oh well.
    #15     Jun 16, 2011
  6. Like i said noooobody is dumber than you.
    You are just a pathetic, subhumane creature with mommy issues, crying for attention and displaying nothing but a garbage dump of the personality
    I bet that everyday you are fighting urges to end the pain you feel as a complete, worthless failure you are.....end it all, make a world better place
    #16     Jun 18, 2011
  7. [​IMG]
    #18     Jun 18, 2011
  8. optionable

    optionable Guest

    What your 'analysis' have proved here is that these days even an idiot with a computer can make money.

    The reason jobs have gone overseas is because of governmental policies to encourage the free movement of capital. And guess who influences the government to take such measures...the multi-nationals.

    The unions have their issues, no doubt...power corrupts anyone. And what is going on today is that all the power is being consolidated with the businesses and the unions that used to act as a counter-weight are being systematically dismantled by the government (i.e. Scott Walker, Fascist Scum).

    So to help you out, I suggest a two pronged approach...

    1) Read!

    2) Read some more!
    #19     Jun 18, 2011
  9. Yannis


    Capital movement is like our breath - if it's not allowed to move out then it's going to move back in and you die an agonizing financial death... that's basic economics as practiced throughout the world by all the serious democracies out there.

    Scott Walker imo is a real patriot, a very smart and brave governor who's working hard to get his state out of the road to bankruptsy - but, of course he's opposed by those whose "privileges" he's curtailing. Very old story, it always happens this way. I hope he sticks to it and gets it done, and at the end the good folks of Wisconsin will thank him. Ohio, New Jersey, Virginia etc etc are following.

    You may disagree, alright, that's fine, go vote for the other guys, np here. But throwing expletives and insults around weakens your argument and doesn't help the exchange of perspectives on this forum.
    #20     Jun 19, 2011