Workers In Tennessee Forced To Take Muslim Holiday Instead Of Labor Day

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. In France the extreme Zionist Sarkozy recently banned kids from wearing headscarves in school. But the jewish skullcap is not banned...where's the moderation and tolerance ?

    The USA has bombed so many foreign countries I've lost count. The terror rained down upon the citizens must be unimaginable. What a death cult. State-sponsored genocide.

    With the USA it's their way or bombs. The citizens even joke about 'nuking them'. This violent mindset is bred into them from kids, the whole society is sick in this way. And then, they claim their 'god' supports them in this killing. Truly sick and worrisome.

    Yes, tell the jews that they can not take off work for their holidays...if you want to see hysterial shrill outrage...a minority group gone wild in this country.
    #11     Aug 5, 2008
  2. jem


    most jews are not given off for work for the holidays.

    Once you get out of the New York, Phili, Florida and L.A. areas Jewish holidays are hardly noticed.

    I am not Jewish and I have no problems if Jews want to celebrate their holidays. Its important. If enough of some group don't show up --- the day becomes a waste of time which sometimes turns it into a holiday.

    Majority or large enough minority rules.
    #12     Aug 5, 2008
  3. In Islam, a brother will proudly boast that he bashed in the skull of his little sister, because he believed she did something morally wrong (even if no evidence).

    In Islam, clerics will convince a poor mother to strap on explosives and walk into a crowd of civilians and commit mass murder, because well... that is Islam
    #13     Aug 5, 2008
  4. Yeah, all 1.2 billion Muslims are exactly like that.
    #14     Aug 6, 2008
  5. Yes, most of the Islamic world is up in arms fighting against the Islamic extremists... NOT

    In the middle east, even moderate Muslims approve of the death penalty for someone who dares leave Islam for something like Christianity.
    #15     Aug 6, 2008
  6. Sam321


    there has to be a moratorium on immigration from Muslim countries to the United States.

    Islamic countries were not always raising Islamic fundamentalists. Today, they are like factories of Islamofacism. It's cyclical with Islam, and today it's bad. So the moratorim is essential to protect our liberty.

    American intelligencia engulfed in self-destructive self-loathing worry more about native evangelicals while allowing themselves to be taken over by something far more religious, closed minded, and politically virulent, and completely foreign. So immigration policy will not change until the American people wake up to this new threat.

    Unlike any other major religion on this planet, Islam combines faith with a geopolitical prime directive that is dangerous to all non muslim countries in general, and free secular nations in particular.
    #16     Aug 6, 2008
  7. Several comments here to the effect that if a majority of workers (in a plant? a company? an industry?), want to take their own holiday in lieu of an official one, it's not a big deal. I wonder. What if the workers wanted to take off Robert E. Lee's birthday in lieu of the official MLK holiday? No problem?

    Common holidays are part of the glue that holds a society together, along with common language, religion and history. Lose that and pretty soon you begin to lose the concept of a country. I know that plenty of mulitculturalists think that would not be a bad result, but history teaches us differently.

    Look around the world and you see that the most chaotic countries tend to lack a strong national identity. That leads to a host of problems, eg corruption, tribalism, factionalism, separatist movements. The most stable countries, like Switzerland, Japan, the Nordic countries, Singapore, are the exact opposite.
    #17     Aug 6, 2008
  8. spoken like a true bigot. are you a member of the klan?

    I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god
    than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible
    gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
    --Stephen F Roberts
    #18     Aug 6, 2008
  9. Frankly, I'm a bit troubled. Labor Day is not a religious holiday. Rather, it is celebrated by most Americans as the symbolic end of the summer. As an atheist who holds religion in very low regard, I would hate to see my own secular holiday buried and replaced by a religious holiday. If someone wishes to add to it, then fine. I'm more than happy to observe, with pay, someone else's religious holidays if that option is available to me. However, I would not take kindly to someone else's religion being observed at my personal expense, regardless of whether that expense is financial or the thwarting of a national tradition. If an employer wishes to be "politically correct" and/or "sensitive," then it cannot simply discard and disregard a tradition that a substantial proportion of its workforce has grown accustomed to over a length of time. Let other people rejoice in their identity, but please, not at the expense of my own.
    #19     Aug 6, 2008
  10. Spoken like a true moron, but we already knew that.
    #20     Aug 6, 2008