women traders on ET

Discussion in 'Politics' started by cashmoney69, Feb 27, 2006.

  1. Actually men go to war because international bankers periodically bankroll both sides of the conflict to make billions of dollars off said young mens blood, these despicable monsters are the finest families in the world, Rothschilde, Morgan, Rockefeller etc
    #21     Feb 27, 2006
  2. bitrend


    I may agree with you for our modern time, the point is the war has been existing many many years ago well before the existence of those bankers. The reason for going to war because we want to protect our people, land, water, power, integrity etc. The same as in financial market, we want to win in order to protect our family. Actually, you can argue that we can do something else to protect our family.
    #22     Feb 27, 2006
  3. Who do you think funded the French revolution? besides we are talking about unnecessary war here, its pathetic
    #23     Feb 27, 2006
  4. bitrend


    It doesn't matter who funded, the fact is the war exist more than 2000 years ago, not with the reason of money but with the main reasons that I stated above. You mentioned that it's unnecessary war here, probably unnecessary for now but maybe crucial for hundred and thousand years later.

    You mentioned those names that are victim of the war, it's sad we don't want that happen but we are very proud of them, they sacrificed their life to protect us; and their family should be proud of them instead of being angry against the Administration. The reason why they went to war not because they are victim of the Administration or the bankers but because they want to make sure after hundred or thousand years they still have land and water for their people/nation to live peacefully and freedom without being dominated.
    #24     Feb 27, 2006
  5. You keep that dream alive, its always been money, money and power, I dont care if they were bitching over a waterhole 2000 years ago... back then the waterhole was money and power!

    And I only mentioned the family names of the international bankers/mass murderers... not the victims

    And I never held the administration accountable, they are just pawns too
    #25     Feb 27, 2006
  6. bitrend


    You never understand the main reason for the war, remember people and land are invaluable, money is nothing for the state leader.
    #26     Feb 27, 2006
  7. Yeah people and land.... ie: power and money
    #27     Feb 27, 2006
  8. Well good one guys:

    Great idea for a thread, but not much ability to "hold a conversation". I bet going to a bar with you guys is great fun.

    Anyway, before I retired I interviewed and hired 2 exceptional traders (women). One for fixed income and one for Bonds. Both were sharp and capable people who knew the business.

    Linda Raschke is another example of a trader who has proven herself as a winner year after year.

    Over the years, I have run into a lot of women who were good professionals and good people as well.

    What impresses me about any good professional is that they are self possessed, patient and focused. Finally they are independent thinkers. That kind of package is what attracted me to hire them.

    Good luck boys,

    #28     Feb 27, 2006
  9. bitrend


    I never doubt about women ability to succeed in this business. I always respect them and their skill. One woman mentioned in the Market Wizard is very talented. We're just arguing about the war.

    #29     Feb 27, 2006
  10. Yeah.... like we'd invite you to the bar killjoy
    #30     Feb 27, 2006