Women and life balance

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by SillyWilly, Apr 28, 2018.

  1. At 23 I wouldn't worry about a serious relationship, but by all means, do not lose your friends! Women come and go, but a friendship lost is one you'll have a hard time regaining and you'll find that true and deep friendship is hard to come by. At least that's my experience. I easily make new friends, but it's not usually something that goes deep. That takes time.

    On topic, I got my first serious girlfriend two years ago after enjoying the bachelor lifestyle immensely through my twenties. While it's been enjoyable to me, there is no doubt she's slowed me down with regards to progress in trading.
    #11     Apr 28, 2018
    JSOP and MoreLeverage like this.
    #12     Apr 28, 2018
  3. _eug_


    I actually find that I can focus better on hobbies and work when I have a stable loving women in my life. Otherwise time needs to be spent on chasing.
    #13     Apr 28, 2018
  4. nickynoes


    I'd argue you can, and that is in fact healthier for your trading to balance your life out more. You need to put in the hours to learn to become a successful trader, but overdoing it can be harmful. It's like over trading, you need to put some time in between your trades in order to let them grow, similarly you need to put some time in between your trading to let your knowledge grow.
    #14     Apr 28, 2018
    Xela likes this.
  5. Xela


    I thought you were going to say "Put some time in-between your women to let your relationships grow". Normally I keep out of these threads with the word "women" in the title, because they often descend into futile sexist stereotypes that generate much more heat than light; but on this occasion it looks like the OP is being given some pretty sensible and practical advice all around. The tone of the forum, on such subjects, must be improving. [​IMG]
    #15     Apr 28, 2018
    trader99 likes this.
  6. nickynoes


    I try my best not to know anything about women and relationships :)
    #16     Apr 28, 2018
    Xela likes this.
  7. newwurldmn


    Success in life isn’t determined by the number of hours you work but by how effective you are in the hours you do.

    OP loves trading because it’s new to him and it creates dopamine hits. That will change and overtime he will find balance. He shouldn’t be worried.
    #17     Apr 28, 2018
    CSEtrader, speedo, trader99 and 2 others like this.
  8. ktm


    I think it helps to keep things in perspective.

    Trading is a means to an end. The goal is (essentially) money. Picture yourself with more money than you can ever reasonably spend. What would your days be like? Do you picture yourself spending time with friends and family doing whatever you wish...flying off to anywhere on a whim etc...?

    Your answer to that...that's your life...and that's what's most important. Trading successfully gets you to that place. Don't get me wrong, you still trade. I've been at this for more than three decades and have been very successful and I still trade. I think I will trade until the very end. Your obsession is a phase and it will recede once you feel like you have achieved a certain level of knowledge and confidence. Then you let your methods take you and you sit back and steer the ship. Your new problem at that point will be remaining patient while your account grows - not over leveraging or bastardizing what you have and blowing up. It's very human...and I've made those mistakes repeatedly.

    It's the path. Let it take you. Enjoy the ride.
    #18     Apr 28, 2018
    CSEtrader, speedo, trader99 and 2 others like this.
  9. jinxu


    Sounds like you want the dream of "having it all". The successful trading career. The hot sexy girlfriend/wife (preferably not crazy) who will love you forever. keep you family friends and kids. Maybe the big house. And keep your sanity too?

    Sorry, all I can say that I was not successful at achieving that dream. Sacrifices were made. But necessary. I don't think it was possible to have everything. Good luck if you're able to achieve the dream.

    You can watch old episodes of Millionaire Matchmaker on Hulu. And a common theme is a lot of self made millionaires don't end up marrying until late 30's/early 40's. Took all of their 20's to build their wealth it seems.
    #19     Apr 28, 2018
  10. nickynoes


    The key is balance, finding success in other things also seem to contribute to your other endeavors in life, while keeping harmful over attention at bay.
    #20     Apr 28, 2018
    comagnum likes this.